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Thread: To find Win98 CD Key

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    To find Win98 CD Key

    I am having windows 98 as my OS and need to reinstall it. But have lost the Windows 98 cardboard envelope that had the Installation Key on the back of it.
    How can I find Win98 CD installation key ?
    Any ideas //

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: To find Win98 CD Key

    You can track down your Installation Key by peering into the registry.

    To begin,
    • Click Start menu >> Select the Run command >> launch the Registry Editor by typing Regedit in the Open text box.
    • Once you have the Registry Editor up and running, locate and double-click on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key.
    • When this subtree is visible, open each of the following subkeys in succession: Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion
    • Now, locate the ProductKey value in the CurrentVersion subkey.

    Here, you'll find a copy of the entire Product Key that you can use to reinstall the operating system.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: To find Win98 CD Key

    Follow the steps below to locate your Windows 98 product key code from the Windows 98 registry.

    • Click on Start and then Run.
    • In the text box in the Run window, type regedit and click OK. This will open the Registry Editor program.
    • Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder under My Computer and click on the (+) sign next the folder name to expand the folder.
    • In the resulting folders, locate and click on the (+) sign next to Software to expand this folder.
    • In the resulting folders, locate and click on the (+) sign next to Microsoft to expand this folder.
    • In the resulting folders, locate and click on the (+) sign next to Windows to expand this folder.
    • In the resulting folders, locate and click on the Current Version folder.
    • In the results that appear in the window on the right, locate the ProductID.
    • The numbers and letters on this line represent the Windows 98 product key.
      The product key should be formatted like xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx - five sets of five letters and numbers.
    • Write this product key down exactly as it is found here for use when reinstalling Windows 98.
    • Close Registry Editor without making any changes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: To find Win98 CD Key

    You can find the product key (or installation cd key) on a sticker on the side of your computer or located with the manual that came with Windows 98.
    If not, you will need to locate the key from within the registry as already mentioned by some of our friends.....

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