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Thread: Windows 7: 36 Changes In Beta For RC1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Windows 7: 36 Changes In Beta For RC1

    On the official blog of Windows 7 has just been published an interesting list. It contains details of 36 Changes That were made to the system since the release of public beta. This list is not exhaustive, but Steven Sinofsky has probably chosen the most representative, and there are changes in every corner.

    1. Using ALT + TAB now includes Aero Peek: each selected window will be highlighted while others become transparent
    2. Using a combination of Windows + # (# represents a key on the numbered keypad) will launch over a new instance of the associated application (a number corresponding to the position of an application in the taskbar). This shortcut will now highlight the windows of the application if it is already active, and to review the windows by repeating the combination. To start a new instance of the application, it will add the SHIFT key in combination.
    3. Three changes to better tell the window that requires user's attention: a more vivid orange, flashing more visible, and a number of "flash" from 3 to 7
    4. When moving a file in the taskbar, he automatically join the Jump List of the associated application if already present, or automatically hangs the application if it was not the case. By pressing SHIFT and dragging a document to another application that normally defined, it will trigger the "Open With".
    5. Changes have taken on the appearance of the taskbar so that we can put 25 to 40% of additional icons, depending on screen resolution
    6. When several windows are open the same software, you can view their thumbnails, but when the mouse passes over them, you can not know what application they belong. The color of the icon, shown by passing the mouse over it, now will be maintained during the consultation thumbnails
    7. No application installation has the right to hang an icon in the taskbar, the operation will always be manual. However, to simplify development of applications installed, the Start menu at the bottom will display the latest software installed but not used (limited to one now)
    8. The size of a Jump List is now limited to ten documents and not to undermine its readability, but a setting has been added to influence this parameter
    9. You may place a document in the Jump List of software that is not listed as default application. In addition, the document will be considered permanently attached to this application
    10. The setting that allows you to hide the icons now does more gadgets that remain displayed
    11. Two tactile manipulations have been added for easier use and Aero Peek Show Desktop
    12. The virtual keyboard now supports multiple key combinations
    13. Right click in multitouch will be putting his finger on an item and using another finger (usually the thumb) to a small slap on the screen surface
    14. Drag and drop and selection of text have been simplified in multitouch
    15. For network management, a simple icon has been added to indicate that a local network exists but without an Internet connection
    16. Changes to UAC will be present
    17. The automatic locking of session after a certain period of time called a screen saver. This is now possible without any saver is selected.
    18. A change was made to switch faster between profiles "Balance" and "Power Saver" on a laptop
    19. The changes to the appearance of Windows are united under the name "theme unsaved" to signify that the user has not given its name changes, and are therefore not saved
    20. Playback of Internet radio will be more reliable
    21. The content of AVCHD camcorders are now recognized, as well as videos to MOV format
    22. Window lighter Windows Media Player starts by default was further cleaned to make it lighter and more compact
    23. Some formats are not recognized by Windows 7, as M4A Apple Lossless and H.263 will be more references in the library of Windows Media Player to not create confusion
    24. The music was being played before the pause playback will automatically resume after the awakening of the machine
    25. When a digital or USB key is inserted, Windows Media Player appears to ask what to do. This behavior was considered annoying by many users and was deleted
    26. Some controls Windows Media Player, as the equalizer and other effects are now better developed
    27. The Jump List for Windows Media Player will be more consistent with the files used
    28. The management of devices through Device Stage has been improved to handle an increased number of equipment
    29. The detection of connection of headphones will be no problem now (it was sometimes not detected)
    30. Drivers for sound cards that are reviewed in recent move correctly, which was not always the case with the beta
    31. When one finds oneself in a Library, the top banner in the window now displays more information to indicate what is referenced
    32. The ability to create a Library using drag and drop has been removed because it created too many uncertainties, especially for those who wanted to simply copy content
    33. Combining Windows + E Opens Explorer on the computer and not on the Libraries
    34. FAT 32 is now supported to reference files in the Libraries (only the content posted on NTFS partitions can be)
    35. Various additions have been placed in the menu file arrangements at the request of many users
    36. The performance has been improved through tools that monitor telemetry about 500 scenarios of use, but it will wait for more detail

    For the latest news, Microsoft is currently working on build 7047. We must now wait for the Release Candidate to check progress, because if the public beta contains all the features, they were not finalized, however.

  2. #2
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    Oct 2008

    Re: Windows 7: 36 Changes In Beta For RC1

    It has existed for Vista. The change here is that if you change the keyboard shortcut, it does not launch a new instance of the software if it is already loaded, it simply activates. Until then, the behavior of this shortcut is limited to launch an instance.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2008

    Re: Windows 7: 36 Changes In Beta For RC1

    REad the Official Blog Entry

    Some Changes Since Beta for the RC

    We’ve been quite busy for the past two months or so working through all the feedback we’ve received on Windows 7. It should be no surprise but the Release Candidate for Windows 7 will have quite a few changes, many under the hood so to speak but also many visible. Some have asked if the featureset is "frozen" then what will we change--we change a lot of things in the beta based on feedback and we try to do so in a systematic manner with the focus on the goals for the release. The goal of having a fully functional Beta was to make sure we received reliable feedback and not a lot of "hey this doesn't work at all" sorts of reports. This has allowed us to really focus on delivering a refined RC where the changes we made are all the reflection of feedback we have received.

    Building on the previous post that looked at the broad view of feedback, we want to start posting on the feedback and the engineering actions we’ve taken in responding to the feedback. We won’t be able to cover all the changes (as we’re still busy making them), but for today we wanted to start with a sampling of some of the more visible changes. We’re still on the same path working towards the release candidate and of course we know everyone is anxious for the next phase of our path to RTM. In the meantime, our full time machines are still running the Beta build.

    Today’s post is from Chaitanya, who has previously posted on some of the core user interface work. --Steven

    This blog post talks about a few of the improvements that will be in our Release Candidate (RC) based upon customer feedback. There are many under the hood changes (bug fixes, compatibility fixes, performance improvements, and improvements) across the entire dev team that we just don’t have room to discuss here, but we thought you’d enjoy a taste of some changes made by three of our feature teams: Core User Experience, Find & Organize and Devices & Media. The comments in this article come from a variety of verbatim sources, with identifying information withheld.

  4. #4
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    Oct 2008

    Re: Windows 7: 36 Changes In Beta For RC1

    Hello , I really wish some changes can be done to change the start button, although it's just an aesthetic issue, I think not only myself but a lot of people also feel that the start button just doesn't go too well with the new taskbar, it just seems out of place and no longer stands out. But good to see you guys are making great and steady improvements. Keep it up!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Windows 7: 36 Changes In Beta For RC1

    Hello , On the official blog of Windows 7, you can read a new Topic that has other improvements and changes that occur on the path to the Release Candidate. After 36 changes under the spotlight recently, the editor gives the cover 27 with changes across the system.

    1. When the number of thumbnails in the taskbar for windows of an application becomes too large, it will switch to list mode. Some complained that they do not find all the features in the real miniatures. The crosses and closed Aero Peek were added.
    2. The Jump List Control Panel now contains the last sections consulted.
    3. PowerShell now has its own Jump List to load modules more easily as the ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment).
    4. Remote Desktop now has its Jump List. The parameters are recorded, as well as recent connections used.
    5. The parameters of the taskbar are recorded independently of the Explorer. Until now it was the default behavior, but not provided for termination of Windows could make them disappear.
    6. In multitouch use the zoom feature now works in Explorer.
    7. The reverse selection is back in the virtualized file lists, such as research and Libraries.
    8. In the address bar, the parent folder of the current directory of consultation will now appear consistently. This avoids having to click on the arrows and claim two clicks instead of one. The appearance of the parent folder and replaces the "Up" and avoids burdening the area.
    9. In the display of music titles, sorting by artist now organizes songs by "Artist Album"
    10. The button "New Folder" now works in the toolbar that appears if no element was selected. This behavior was changed so that the button is accessible in any conditions.
    11. In Explorer, it was sometimes difficult to make a right click in an open area to access the context menu of the area, and not a file. This work now right click in any area "white" a little wide.
    12. The "Content" has been vastly improved to be more readable and easier to use
    13. Indexing via Windows Search is now much more effective. When a new application is installed, links to relevant files are automatically updated. In previous versions of Windows and in the public beta of Windows 7, a new round of indexing was necessary to refresh the links file.
    14. Sound files for the closing session and the extinction of the system have been reduced
    15. The Device Stage feature rich yet, especially for mobile phones. This is according to Microsoft one of the more popular and manufacturers are clearly voluntary. Recognition of phones has increased and will increase again, especially for slightly older models that are no longer supported by manufacturers. The aim is to introduce a minimum to provide functionality common to all devices. Picture phone, remaining storage space, access to photos and others are examples. If the manufacturer decides to introduce specific functionality through Device Stage, it will automatically update and gives the user the next time you connect the phone.
    16. Computer manufacturers such as Lenovo also want to use Device Stage. In the latter, double-click on the icon of the PC will open a special interface with features specific to the society from which the machine.
    17. In Device Stage, the action of removing a device uninstall it completely. Previously, the result of the action could vary depending on the device.
    18. In Device Stage, the status of a device will now appear directly in the information bar, rather than in the properties, which required him to make a right click.
    19. The function of the withdrawal device now called "Eject" and is consistent throughout the system, either in the notification area, in Explorer or in Device Stage.
    20. Fixed an issue where some USB devices like a keyboard or mouse working after waking from a machine out of a standby or hibernation.
    21. Fixed an issue where FireWire camcorders to work.
    22. The function of adding old equipment (Add Legacy Hardware without Plug & Play) was put into place after several requests.
    23. When trying to add an old printer that is not Plug & Play, Windows Update downloads the complete list of drivers. This operation is now given as may take time, although performance of this stage have been improved.
    24. The functionality of restoration work and Bit Locker now requesting less information to the user. The size needed on the disc so that the basis of these functions is active from 200 to 100 MB
    25. After many requests, in the case of a dual boot, the other is displayed within Windows Explorer with its own letter.
    26. After studying the telemetry data, the size of virtual memory is now automatically set to "amount of RAM + 300 MB. it is a basic allowance, because the size may increase as needed.
    27. The number of drivers for network cards (wire or wireless) is now more important. The Release Candidate will, in particular, machines based on Atom.

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