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Thread: Windows File Management under MANDRIVA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Windows File Management under MANDRIVA


    How do I delete a file "windows", "system" under Mandriva?

    That is the question. I'm trying to migrate, but by going, I caught a virus on windows. File system is located on SD. I can not read or modify them or anything.

    Is there a procedure that allows.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Windows File Management under MANDRIVA

    put us a screenshot ... you'll see we've got to root out the coconuts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Windows File Management under MANDRIVA


    uh .... how I make a screenshot and then put it on the forum under Mandriva?

    And as I am: because I can download and store many files on a disk, then they are under windows? Is there way to collect it under DOS or Windows for me to serve?

    Indeed, I can not start on my main DC, it is botched and systematically deletes me access when it is connected.

    So my procedure is "summed up" to download AV, Aspy ... etc, the store - but other than on a CD because the drive is occupied by the CD Mandriva - and back windows on another DD, burn a bootable CD cleaning, just unplug, plug my botched DD, clean and possibly pick what I can. Whew!

    Who can offer me a list and / or a protocol?

    That's all for now.

    A big thank you anyway.

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