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Thread: Files having .dll extension

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Files having .dll extension

    I'm trying to use a program which have lots of file carrying the .dll file extension in it. I'm unable to run that files. May some tell me that whether i need any particular program for running it?

    Thank You!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Files having .dll extension

    First of all DLL stands for " Dynamic Link Library. "

    A .DLL file is a support file and is used by one or more programs. As an example, if several parts of a program need to perform the same action that action may be placed into a .DLL file (library) that the various program parts can all use. This saves space and makes it easier when that particular routine needs to be updated. You should never have a need to "open" a .DLL file on its own; indeed, there really is no way to do so.

    Note: This file type can become infected and should be carefully scanned if someone sends you a file with this extension.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Files having .dll extension

    DLL is probably the most frequent executable file extension on your computer (others include EXE, SYS, COM and DRV). You can see the most of them in your C:\Windows\System32 or C:\WINNT\System32 folders. But each application also stores lots of DLL files in its own folders.

    If you are trying to open a DLL file, then you can try out these steps:-

    * Open file in text editor (notepad or more advanced one) and see if first letters of file are MZ. MZ means Mark Zbikowski - developer and architect at Microsoft who introduced this file type. MZ at the beginning of the file means that this file is executable and it is either DLL or EXE

    * Another typical phrase you can find inside DLL file is "This program cannot be run in DOS mode." which is a message produced by Windows when you're trying to run DLL from DOS console.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Files having .dll extension

    Applications capable of opening File Extension DLL:-

    * Microsoft Visual Studio. It is capable of opening DLL file and viewing and editing certain sections of it like textual resources, icons, messages, etc.

    * Microsoft Disassembler. It is part of visual studio but it will allow you to view DLL file in great details. It will decompile DLL from binary code to assembly instructions which are much easier to read than binary code.

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