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Thread: Windows XP with Linux Red Hat 8.0

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Windows XP with Linux Red Hat 8.0

    I have a 80 GB hard drive, partitioned into two parts (50 and 30), the partition of 50 I have Windows XP and I would like to install Linux Red Hat on the other partition. As I would also have an empty partition, as a warehouse, had thought the partition of 30 in 10 and 20, 10 linux. My questions are several:

    -- How much space occupies linux? In 10 gb it?
    -- Will I have some problems installing Linux on that partition?I do not want anything to erase the part of Windows XP, I know that to do so I must accede to linux install it manually, because if I do it automatically, which can erase what he's up to you (or I have said)
    -- Do I have to have something else in mind when installing Linux on my computer?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Please, I need help ... what I have to do, to able to install program in C.

    Thank you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hello, in principle 10Gb you to install it on Space.

    But note that when installing LINUX, this creates a boot so that this is the default, if you see that after installing it, in choosing windows as SO you do not start well, get back to the windows CD and tries to reinstall as repair, as LINUX is loaded starting win.

    Then, you recover the boot, no need to reinstall all, it detects the CD installed, and you only install the boot boot.

    For again, remember, first installed Linux, and then win.

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