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Thread: Kingston 1600mhz memory running at 1300mhz

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Kingston 1600mhz memory running at 1300mhz

    I have recently purchased MSI H81-P33 motherboard and an Intel Pentium G3258 processor along with a Kingston RAM that is labeled as 1600mhz. After installing everything and running the PC when I went into BIOS screen then the maximum speed of memory that I am seeing is only 1300mhz. I have already tried updating the bios of the motherboard to the latest version but still it is showing the RAM running at 1300mhz speed. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Kingston 1600mhz memory running at 1300mhz

    Actually the memory controllers can be found on the CPU itself, you can check it out on this link - The Intel Pentium G3258 CPU that you have has a default RAM speed of 1333mhz. But still, you can easily get into the BIOS settings and change the RAM multiplier to run the memory faster as long as you want. Hope this helps you out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Kingston 1600mhz memory running at 1300mhz

    I have read that you will not get more than 1400mhz RAM speed because it was noted in a warning in many website who are selling this motherboard that if used in conjunction with the Intel G3258 Pentium Anniversary Edition Dual Core Unlocked Haswell (Devil's Canyon) Desktop CPU, DDR3-1600MHz memory may run at 1400MHz. However, it will not make any difference as well since an extra 200mhz in RAM speed will do nothing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Kingston 1600mhz memory running at 1300mhz

    Can you go into your BIOS option and try to enable the XMP profiling. This will help you to get your RAM speed upto its rated speed and timings. If there is no XMP option in your BIOS menu then as per the restrictions because of the CPU that you are using, you cannot do anything to utilize the full speed of your Kingston RAM, unless you are willing to change the Intel Pentium G3258 CPU itself.

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