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Thread: Kingston HyperX Fury RAM good for gaming?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Kingston HyperX Fury RAM good for gaming?

    I am currently running a 4GB DDR3 RAM on my computer build and right now I am looking to upgrade it to 8GB. The best RAM stick for my rig considering the price and speeds seems to be Kingsto HyperX Fury. But I have heard that there are some problems with this Kingston RAM compared to Corsair brand which seems much superior. But for gaming the Kingston RAM works best compared to any others. So can anyon tell me whether this Kingston HyperX Fury would be good for gaming or should I go with any other RAM modules? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Kingston HyperX Fury RAM good for gaming?

    Well, I think that you will not notice any major differences on Kingston HyperX Fury RAM compared to any other brand. But you could get some difference when you will overclock the RAM though. Usually, the RAM from many of the biggest company are just fine but at that same price rate I would suggest you to go with the Gskill Ripjawz RAM sticks which seems to be pretty decent giving you more speed for processing in your system.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Kingston HyperX Fury RAM good for gaming?

    I am using HyperX Fury Black 8GB RAM from quite long time and it is working flawlessly in my computer. I assembled my computer and this RAM has been running very good in my pc till now. I havent faced any problems with the processing speed and havent run into any situation where the applications are going down by any amount of average gaming programs. So, for the price I must say that it is a good solid product.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Kingston HyperX Fury RAM good for gaming?

    I agree that the Gskill Ripjaws X series are running at 2133mhz where else the Kingston HyperX Fury RAM runs at 1866mhz only. But if your system cannot handle the 2144mhz speed then it would be a waste to go for the fastest RAM. On the other hand the HyperX Fury is a pretty solid memory and runs without any problems. It also comes with decent heat spreaders. This RAM can be easily fit under any CPU cooler and they perform very well for the price.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Kingston HyperX Fury RAM good for gaming?


    I am using the Kingston RAM When I was buying it Initially I was also a bit confused about it but the after buying the RAM I would like to say that I made the right choice, now my computer is working very fast and pretty well than earlier. all I can say is its gives the value for your money

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