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Thread: Kingston SSDNow V300 and Samsung SSD 840 EVO

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Kingston SSDNow V300 and Samsung SSD 840 EVO

    I am looking to buy a new SSD for my computer rig. I am actually planning to buy from the kingston brand because it is much cheaper as compared to others. However, I also noticed that the Samsung 840 EVO SSD is also not that bad, so I cannot make up my mind. Can you tell me which SSD will be better between Kingston SSDNow V300 and Samsung 840 EVO for me? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Kingston SSDNow V300 and Samsung SSD 840 EVO

    Well, I would recommend you to go with the Samsung SSD 840 EVO because you get the latest firmware update for this brand SSD. Kingston lacks behind on its SSD firmware update, therefore their drives are a low slower compared to Samsung SSD speeds. If you will check out kingston ssd reviews on the web then you can find out many bad reviews made on it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Kingston SSDNow V300 and Samsung SSD 840 EVO

    Yes, I too agree that the Kingston's SSD are lot slower since the firmware version that they are using are much slower than 180mb/s for read and write and if Samsung SSDs are compared then they are using the latest firmware available and released by their manufacturer and they also give faster read and write speeds.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Kingston SSDNow V300 and Samsung SSD 840 EVO

    If you are going to use the SSD for internet browsing and watching movies on your computer then you will get no difference between the SSD. If you will play games, then it will load faster with the SSD but the framerates will be same as it depends on good GPU. However, the Samsung 840 EVO compared to Kingston V300 is much faster and is also a good SSD.

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