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Thread: Asus M4A785TD wont boot with Kingston 4GB RAM

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Asus M4A785TD wont boot with Kingston 4GB RAM

    I am using a Asus M4A785TD-M EVO motherboard with AMD phenom processor and 2 gb kingston RAM. I wanted to upgrade the RAM on my computer so I bought a Kingston KVR13N9S8 4GB RAM. But if I am trying to start the computer then it will not boot at all. If I am using the old 2gb RAM then my pc will boot up fine? So does this means that this RAM is not compatible with my computer?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Asus M4A785TD wont boot with Kingston 4GB RAM

    Since it is a new RAM stick then it seems to be a bad memory for sure. But in anycase you can try to test the RAM with memtest86 one at a time for 4-5 times and see if you get any kind of error. If all memory sticks are fine in the result then you should probably test them in different RAM slot on your motherboard. If the results suggest a bad memory stick then you can try to RMA the memory from where you have purchased it.

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