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Thread: How to overclock Kingston HyperX Blu RAM?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    How to overclock Kingston HyperX Blu RAM?

    I have a Asus M4A785T motherboard with a AMD Phenom II processor and a Kingston HyperX Blu 2gb RAM. I am looking to purchase 2gb extra RAM so will there be any difference in the dual channel or so? I know that my mobo supports RAM upto 1600mhz but the RAM that i am using is 1333mhz, so if I overclock it to 1600mhz then will there be any difference? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to overclock Kingston HyperX Blu RAM?

    Overclocking will usually make a lot of difference in benchmarking for sure and I dont think that you will be able to feel it unless you will do some RAM intensive work. But anyhow, you can try to reduce the CAS latency manually to get a better increase in porformance. Try to overclock your Kingston HyperX Blu with a latency of CL9-9-9-24 1T and check if speed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: How to overclock Kingston HyperX Blu RAM?

    I think that you can up the memory to 1.65v but you wont be able to increase the voltage much above that. You can try to play around by changing the timings to 10-11-10-30 but still the 1600mhz will be more than sufficient for overcloking. You can even try to go further below to around 8-8-8-24 or 7-7-7-20 and test the results.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: How to overclock Kingston HyperX Blu RAM?

    Try and see if you can overclock at 4.5ghz stable. If you reach till here then I would say you can leave the memory alone because even if you do a little more then you can get stability problems. The memory has to be proper when you are increasing the CPU multiplier. If the memory is pushed to the point of producing error then the OS will get corrupted.

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