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Thread: Installing Office 2010 Beta Language Pack on 32 bit Office 2010 RT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Installing Office 2010 Beta Language Pack on 32 bit Office 2010 RT

    Getting strange problem with Office 2010. Yesterday due to some problem I completely reformatted my Windows 7 system and installed everything. I downloaded Office 2010 32bit RTM and installed on the same. There was no problem while the installation but later when I tried Language Pack for Office 2010, installation fails with an error saying

    "Microsoft office 2010 does not support upgrading from a prerelease version of Microsoft Office 2010. Please remove any pre-release products and try again."

    I don’t know how and why this problem is poping up though this is a fresh install after wiping out my hard drive completely. Also there is no other version of MS Office is installed as I said earlier, am having just Office 2010 RTM that is installed few minutes earlier than trying this. Can anyone please help me installing this Language Pack ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    same problem here

    Yeah, indeed it sounds strange as you said you tried installing this on a fresh installation. Anyways, lets have a try again. You will need to remove your Office 2010 again, do it from control panel. Run disk Cleanup wizard and delete each and every entry you see. Once done, reboot the system and install office 2010 again. Now try to install Language packs and see if you get any more error. For more help, you can also refer this MS KB:

    Error message when you try to install Office 2010: "Microsoft Office 2010 does not support upgrading from a pre-release version of Microsoft Office 2010"

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