This log file registers all Abends on a NetWare server. An Abend (ABnormal END) is an error condition that can halt the proper operation of the Net-Ware server. Abends can be serious enough to lock the server, or they can simply force an NLM to shut down. You know an Abend has occurred when you see an error message that contains the word Abend on the console. Additionally, the server command prompt will include a number in angle brackets (for example, <1>) that indicates the number of times the server has Abended since it was brought online.
Because the server may reboot after an Abend, these error messages and what they mean can be lost. NetWare versions 4.11 and later include a routine to capture the output of the Abend both to the console and to the ABEND.LOG file. ABEND.LOG is located in the SYSYSTEM directory on the server.
The ABEND.LOG file contains all the information that is output to the console screen during an Abend, plus much more:
- The exact flags and registers of the processor at the time of the Abend
- The NLMs that were in memory, including their versions, descriptions, memory settings, and exact time and date
Here is a portion of our ABEND.LOG file.
Server S1 halted Friday, February 12, 1999 2:37:03 pm
Abend 1 on P00: Server-5.00a: Page Fault Processor Exception
(Error code 00000002)
CS = 0008 DS = 0010 ES = 0010 FS = 0010 GS = 0010
SS = 0010
EAX = 00000000 EBX = D0AC2238 ECX = 0697DEF0
EDX = 00000009
ESI = D0C5C040 EDI = 00000000 EBP = 0697DED0
ESP = 0697DEC0
EIP = D0AC2232 FLAGS = 00014246
D0AC2232 C600CC MOV [EAX]=?,CC
EIP in ABENDEMO.NLM at code start +00000232h
Running process: Abendemo Process
Created by: NetWare Application
Thread Owned by NLM: ABENDEMO.NLM
Stack pointer: 697DCE0
OS Stack limit: 697A000
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 5050170 (Blocked on keyboard)
Stack: D0AC22C1 (ABENDEMO.NLM|MenuAction+89)
D1FEA602 (NWSNUT.NLM|NWSShowPortalLine+3602)
--00000008 ?
--00000000 ?
--0697DF20 ?
--D0134080 ?
--00000001 ?
D1FEA949 (NWSNUT.NLM|NWSShowPortalLine+3949)
--00000010 ?
--0697DEF0 ?
--0697DEF4 ?
--0697DFAC ?
--D0C2E100 (CONNMGR.NLM|WaitForBroadcastsToClear+C90C)
--00000003 ?
--00000008 ?
--00000012 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000019 ?
--00000050 ?
--000000FF ?
--00000001 ?
--00000010 ?
--00000001 ?
--00000000 ?
--00000011 ?
--0697DFDC ?
--0000000B ?
--00000000 ?
--0000000B ?
--00000000 ?
--00000000 ?
Additional Information:
The CPU encountered a problem executing code in
ABENDEMO.NLM. The problem may be in that module
or in data passed to that module by a process owned
Loaded Modules:
SERVER.NLM NetWare Server Operating System
Version 5.00 August 27, 1998
Code Address: FC000000h Length: 000A5000h
Data Address: FC5A5000h Length: 000C9000h
LOADER.EXE NetWare OS Loader
Code Address: 000133D0h Length: 0001D000h
Data Address: 000303D0h Length: 00020C30h
CDBE.NLM NetWare Configuration DB Engine
Version 5.00 August 12, 1998
Code Address: D087E000h Length: 00007211h
Data Address: D0887000h Length: 0000684Ch
This information can be useful when determining the source of an Abend. For example, any time you see the words Page Fault or Stack in the output, the Abend occurred because of something having to do with memory. Usually, it’s because a program or process tried to take memory that didn’t belong to it (for example, from another program). When NetWare detects this, it shuts down the offending process and issues an Abend.