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Thread: bypassing cyberoam client

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    bypassing cyberoam client

    Anyone please tell me the flaws in cyberoam network uses cyberoam client with port 3128 and virtual ip not able 2 access net for 24 also limits bandwidth anyone please give me tools to bypass cyberoam not even able 2 useyahoo messenger...this is really irritatin..i hope u people will help me..thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    USS Enterprise
    There's a client available known as slyberoam for dealing prob of cyberoam
    See if it works out.

    Umm I am not sure whther it is legal, to bypass ISP clients. And furthermore the client is on the server side, so you wil have to use an IP which does not require the clients

    i just downloaded slyberoam client which u mentioned but it says need 2 install some .net may b illegal...but i use it just for my personal use...not fr corporate doin's........{MOD:EDIT}
    im not even able 2 use messenger as it blocks them...its really plz help me

    its not illegal to download Microsoft .NET Framework and you won't need a crack to run it as well.. That's why edited your post..
    Remember, ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL...whether for personal or corporate use doesn't matter.

    guys u told me that u get .NET frame work from sp2...but im also using sp2....but its still sayin u need .net frame work and when i downloaded it from ms site it says it require 2344534857 kb of space and gets exited...wat does this mean...any one plz send me the setup of this .NET frame work.plzzzzzzzzz.

    Subhash you can download dotnet framework from:
    I wansn't able to work Slyberoam as i think my ISP also has ugraded, but you can try your luck.

    gys i also used slyberoam...but it comes protocol ip adress is and port is 3128 for cyberoam clint..then how shuld i configure slyberoam.....also when i click find server ...its not able 2 find the server...plz help me

    hi, think we are round on closed cycle bc, we canot pass the cyberome, its hard wall, therefor i m buying nightly sheard for that company.. God helps us . thank u For your interesting. and dont bother yourself...

    Guys my college is taking money from us for net has taken a total of 10 MBps on the name of for student use and give only 3MBps to over 10,000 student so we have break cyberoam

    Check this out for finding your ip address and other information.

    Just Ask Ur Isp Admins To Stop Cache Server In 24 Online Server Then Every Site & Messenger Will Work

    Where is the link friend? I cant see the link here. Hope that you forgot to mention the link

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Subhash, You can download the .net framework from Microsoft's site (For XP)
    It comes by default with XP service pack2 but you can download the .net redistributable package and update (~21 MB and 10 MB) and install it (Nothin illegal about that. It just provides a platfor for apps written using the .net framework on OSes that do not natively support it.

    Run the slyberoam setup (fairly easy to setup and use). The only issue is that the last slyberoam version is fairly old and doesn't support the latest update frm if ur ISP is still using the old version, U'd be lucky
    And in case you find any other info, plz PM me asw well as I am amjorly pained by Cyberoam. I used Slyberoam fora while till my ISP upgraded their server. Now I can't use slyberoam and am forced to use the default 24online client.
    Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
    Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
    Alone in fear they question why
    Goddamn not an angel when I die !!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    u cant Use Slyberoam now -- it isnt compaitble with the 24online Server's Version now
    -- forget it -- u cant By pass of it ..
    if u had known the Inner Working of the Server u w'd not have opted to Waste time on this hacking.

    well -- the sharing part i agree that it Sh;d not block the Local File Transfers which we need to to betw our PC's. Believe me -- i ve been in touch with the Elite core people for this & even they dont have a solution to it.

    From Ethical i meant to say pls dont try hacking Cracking ur ISP's Server. I dont say we dotn Break laws -- well we all do -- but then there are somethings which we may live with Ethically -- so sh;d not be wAsting time on such damn****s

    Atlast ....... will slyberoam work on version of cyberoam client? if yes pls tell me how to configure?

    Member mehargags , ur link doesnt tell about my query ......
    pls somebody tell whether slyberoam works on win98 and will it work with version1.3.6.5 of cyberoam client ( win98 or other operating sys)

    so can i pass Cyberoam Client for 24Online to work freely

    ok i couldnt bypass my client protocol 6..its says not supported protocol.
    btw whts the exact use of slyberoam. i got a 64 kbps conn. if i cud bypass my client can i get speed of 256 kbps conn.(thts the max given by my cablewalla) ??
    for lan i hve no prob get speeds of 1-2 MBps in DC++.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Be ethical to wot u pay -- u want more bandwidth -- pay more
    Right buddy....But know what , why can't I use my assigned bandwidth the way I choose to? Why can't i share it w/o hassles between my 2 PCs (Non-commercial use)?

    In fact my ISPs helpdesk also tried to help me by changing some settigns on their end, but they didn't seem to be very sure as to what to do.....
    If you know what needs to be done to enable sharing at the ISPs end, plz let me know...these guys (ISP end) are willing to help me out (if only they knew How ;-)

    If you cld gimme some details, that'll be appreciated...thanks
    Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
    Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
    Alone in fear they question why
    Goddamn not an angel when I die !!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by abhi182
    Right buddy....But know what , why can't I use my assigned bandwidth the way I choose to? Why can't i share it w/o hassles between my 2 PCs (Non-commercial use)?

    In fact my ISPs helpdesk also tried to help me by changing some settigns on their end, but they didn't seem to be very sure as to what to do.....
    If you know what needs to be done to enable sharing at the ISPs end, plz let me know...these guys (ISP end) are willing to help me out (if only they knew How ;-)

    If you cld gimme some details, that'll be appreciated...thanks
    The problem here is the ISP infrastructure. Since its a hub/switched (cheap ones) based network there would be a huge load on the network when 2 or more people start transfering files on the local LAN. Since the devices on the network are usually low quality hubs/switches there is a huge strain on them which results in disruption of services to other customers on the same segment. Hence Elitecore's soln. to block sharing.

    One solution I can give you is to setup an FTP server/Web Server at one of the PC's and share files that way although you would be transferring files at your internet speed (64Kbps or whatever your connection is) and not LAN speeds (10/100Mbps).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    i have 2 connections of in2cable at my residence which also use the infamous cyberoam client. 1 is through cable tv line (own modem) and the other lan type.
    The cyberoam client it seems installs an additional layer to the existing wisock2 on windows m/c. this is not fully compatible with winxp sp2 it seems for certain m/c configs.
    also i know that their software modifies the data packets sent and received from the m/c to their is this encryptipon which is the cause of all major problems. once you break this encryption most of the problems of file sharing will be solved.
    The heartbeat system implemented prevents the use of your own home switch from sharing the net since the actual user id is tied to a single mac address of your lan card. (clonning of mac address also does not help). installing a seperate proxy server may help in sharing of the net.
    The bandwidth and the number of clients are restricted from their server side.some CPE or CME setting.

    overall this thing sucks big time from a customer point of view
    but it is good for isp's since they make good money by adopting such restrictive practice. this client software was designed from ground up with security and restrictions in mind as i believe their use was meant for offices and hotels etc...

    if given a choice i would stop using any isp which uses this software.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    As of now, I am able to share files and also the net on my machines, but it is through a very convoluted route.....
    Basically I have set up my desktop to act as a gateway, with the ISPs cable terminating on the desktop....I have a wireless ad-hoc connection between the desktop and my laptop (equal to a cross-over cable wired connection).....I run the blasted client on the laptop to logon (withoout having installed the client on the dektop at all) to connect.....Thus I am able to get a net connection on the desktop too.....

    The issue with this setup is that if i want to logon directly from the desktop, there is no way i can do it as the laptopp too needs to be on all the time for me to access the net
    Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
    Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
    Alone in fear they question why
    Goddamn not an angel when I die !!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Anyone please tell me the flaws in cyberoam network uses cyberoam client with port 80 and virtual ip not able 2 access net but with limitaion 1 Gb .it limits bandwidth usage.(for 1 Gb) anyone please give me tools to bypass cyberoam firewall.or can i except Yhaoo messenger only form counting. i hope to give me advice

    i m have that problem to get answer from users that I will thnak them, if can give me the cracker of Cyberoam 24 online to use the unlimit bandwidth to accss net.

    ^^ Even if you can, you can not discuss it here and our advice would be "Free pe mat jao, anpni akal lagao"
    so we are need the best thing, i have net with limit bandwidth and its finshed by 1 month , but i kill it with 10 days , so i try to bypass that Cyberoam 24 hr version 1.3 on Xp 2.0. what ever happen

    anybody tried it on version ?? wats the way to do that?

    hi guys, I can not pass the clyberoam yet its so hard wall , may be any one have Idea, befor i die

    Yaar any body knows how to bypass cyberoam client ,
    slyberoam does not work for it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by abhi182
    Right buddy....But know what , why can't I use my assigned bandwidth the way I choose to? Why can't i share it w/o hassles between my 2 PCs (Non-commercial use)?

    In fact my ISPs helpdesk also tried to help me by changing some settigns on their end, but they didn't seem to be very sure as to what to do.....
    If you know what needs to be done to enable sharing at the ISPs end, plz let me know...these guys (ISP end) are willing to help me out (if only they knew How ;-)

    If you cld gimme some details, that'll be appreciated...thanks
    Yaar do u know how to bypass cyberoam client slyberoam does not work for it

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    bypassing cyberoam client

    Anyone please tell me the flaws in cyberoam network uses cyberoam client with port 3128 and virtual ip not able 2 access net for 24 also limits bandwidth anyone please give me tools to bypass cyberoam not even able 2 useyahoo messenger...this is really irritatin..i hope u people will help me..thanks in advance

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: bypassing cyberoam client

    Anyone please tell me the flaws in cyberoam network uses cyberoam client with port 3128 and virtual ip not able 2 access net for 24 also limits bandwidth anyone please give me tools to bypass cyberoam not even able 2 useyahoo messenger...this is really irritatin..i hope u people will help me..thanks in advance

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: bypassing cyberoam client

    i have a cyberoam version 1.3 on the server i want to bypass i have downloaded sylberroam but it doesnt seam to work my server ip is and my ip is im not sure of port if it is 3128 or 8090 the log file that was generated is pasted below

    10/31/2006 2:02:39 AM INFO: Logging level set to 1 (Minimum)
    10/31/2006 2:02:39 AM INFO: Initialized.
    10/31/2006 2:02:39 AM INFO: Slyberoam Service started.
    10/31/2006 2:02:39 AM INFO: ALERT1: Protocol version is unknown. Attempting to auto-detect protocol version...
    10/31/2006 2:02:44 AM ERROR: Expecting StartupResponse or Error but nothing received.
    at Slyberoam.Client.RaiseError(String sMessage)
    at Slyberoam.Client.VerifyPacketType(Packet p, PacketType pt1, PacketType pt2)
    at Slyberoam.Client.Startup()
    at Slyberoam.Service.Connect()
    10/31/2006 2:02:44 AM INFO: Automatically resuming... attempt 1
    10/31/2006 2:02:44 AM INFO: Initialized.
    10/31/2006 2:02:44 AM INFO: Slyberoam Service already started.
    10/31/2006 2:02:44 AM INFO: ALERT1: Protocol version is unknown. Attempting to auto-detect protocol version...
    10/31/2006 2:02:49 AM ERROR: Expecting StartupResponse or Error but nothing received.
    at Slyberoam.Client.RaiseError(String sMessage)
    at Slyberoam.Client.VerifyPacketType(Packet p, PacketType pt1, PacketType pt2)
    at Slyberoam.Client.Startup()
    at Slyberoam.Service.Connect()
    10/31/2006 2:02:49 AM INFO: Automatically resuming... attempt 2
    10/31/2006 2:02:49 AM INFO: Initialized.
    10/31/2006 2:02:49 AM INFO: Slyberoam Service already started.
    10/31/2006 2:02:49 AM INFO: ALERT1: Protocol version is unknown. Attempting to auto-detect protocol version...
    10/31/2006 2:02:54 AM ERROR: Expecting StartupResponse or Error but nothing received.
    at Slyberoam.Client.RaiseError(String sMessage)
    at Slyberoam.Client.VerifyPacketType(Packet p, PacketType pt1, PacketType pt2)
    at Slyberoam.Client.Startup()
    at Slyberoam.Service.Connect()
    10/31/2006 2:02:54 AM INFO: Slyberoam Service aborted due to error.
    10/31/2006 2:02:54 AM INFO: Slyberoam Service stopped.
    10/31/2006 2:03:39 AM INFO: Logging level set to 1 (Minimum)
    10/31/2006 2:03:39 AM INFO: Initialized.
    10/31/2006 2:03:39 AM INFO: Slyberoam Service started.
    10/31/2006 2:03:39 AM INFO: ALERT1: Protocol version is unknown. Attempting to auto-detect protocol version...
    10/31/2006 2:03:44 AM ERROR: Expecting StartupResponse or Error but nothing received.
    at Slyberoam.Client.RaiseError(String sMessage)
    at Slyberoam.Client.VerifyPacketType(Packet p, PacketType pt1, PacketType pt2)
    at Slyberoam.Client.Startup()
    at Slyberoam.Service.Connect()
    10/31/2006 2:03:44 AM INFO: Automatically resuming... attempt 1
    10/31/2006 2:03:44 AM INFO: Initialized.
    10/31/2006 2:03:44 AM INFO: Slyberoam Service already started.
    10/31/2006 2:03:44 AM INFO: ALERT1: Protocol version is unknown. Attempting to auto-detect protocol version...
    10/31/2006 2:03:49 AM ERROR: Expecting StartupResponse or Error but nothing received.
    at Slyberoam.Client.RaiseError(String sMessage)
    at Slyberoam.Client.VerifyPacketType(Packet p, PacketType pt1, PacketType pt2)
    at Slyberoam.Client.Startup()
    at Slyberoam.Service.Connect()
    10/31/2006 2:03:49 AM INFO: Automatically resuming... attempt 2
    10/31/2006 2:03:49 AM INFO: Initialized.
    10/31/2006 2:03:49 AM INFO: Slyberoam Service already started.
    10/31/2006 2:03:49 AM INFO: ALERT1: Protocol version is unknown. Attempting to auto-detect protocol version...
    10/31/2006 2:03:54 AM ERROR: Expecting StartupResponse or Error but nothing received.
    at Slyberoam.Client.RaiseError(String sMessage)
    at Slyberoam.Client.VerifyPacketType(Packet p, PacketType pt1, PacketType pt2)
    at Slyberoam.Client.Startup()
    at Slyberoam.Service.Connect()
    10/31/2006 2:03:54 AM INFO: Slyberoam Service aborted due to error.
    10/31/2006 2:03:54 AM INFO: Slyberoam Service stopped.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: bypassing cyberoam client

    i m unable to download slyberoam plz help or send me to

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: bypassing cyberoam client

    Quote Originally Posted by hemantbprasad View Post
    i m unable to download slyberoam
    Whats the problem you getting while downloading it ? Any error ? I tried downloading from one of the result in Google and it works. But am not able to attach it here and also cannot provide you the link as it is not allowed. So what you need to do is, search "Download slyberoam " on google and try downloading from any of the result site.

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