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Thread: Netgear JNR1010 router dropping wifi signal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Netgear JNR1010 router dropping wifi signal

    Netgear JNR1010 Wireless Net Router is having some issue with signal dropping I think. I had connected the router in my room. It gives me a good signal strength. Along with this the router also provide signal to the roof side. It provides a decent strength to surf the web. But a number of time I had seen that when I turn on my phone the wifi is disconnected. It shows me out of range. But after a few seconds it connects back. This is really weird. I am unable to figure out how this router is dropping the signal. It is a new model and must work fine. Is there anything I can do to make this more stable.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Netgear JNR1010 router dropping wifi signal

    It is not a signal dropping problem, it is a range issue. Your mobile device is out of range due to which you are unable to get it connected. The best way to fix this issue is to find a proper place where you can keep the router. Like somewhere at the top side. So that you get maximum converge. Many entry level routers does not offer a long range especially when there are walls. You wont be able to get the same connection in another room if there is a wall in between. High end routers that has more powerful antenna provides you a lot more better connectivity.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Netgear JNR1010 router dropping wifi signal

    Sometime it happens that the router will cause signal issue. But you have to check that first. You have to sit in the place where router is situated. And then you will have to simply check whether the router is dropping a signal or not. If it is dropping then it means the router is faulty. And most of the models comes
    with a year warranty. You can get a easy replacement on that. Second thing you can do is update the router firmware. You can find the latest firmware on its official site. Download and install that. And then reconfigure it settings. I am quiet sure that it might start working well.

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