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Thread: infected with servieca.vbs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    infected with servieca.vbs

    I am running Windows 7 on my pc and from couple of days whenever I start my pc for the first time then I will always get an error message that says "windows script host Loading script "c:\..\...\..temp\servieca.vbs" failed. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. I have tried scanning my pc with antivirus software but still this error message pops up with every boot. Does anyone know how do I get rid of this once and for all? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: infected with servieca.vbs

    Even I had this problem on my usb flash drive which was affected by this virus and it was not going even after formatting it. I also tried to scan it with AVG antivirus but it was not getting recognized the the program. This is not copying on my pc but still was not able to get rid of this from the usb drive. After a lot of search I found out that Symantec has found the virus to be Trojan.gen virus and they have released a solution in their definition to solve this issue, just go to this link -

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: infected with servieca.vbs

    Start your computer in Safe Mode adn then go to Run and type regedit. After that go to Edit menu and press find and type servieca.vbs and press the find next button. The search will give you results displaying "userint", just double click on it and you will get many paths separated by commas like - c:windows/system32/userinit.exe,c:/windows... and so on. You will also find C:\windows\system32\servieca.vbs in the same paths, so just delete this path. After that press F3 to check if the same path exists somewhere else in the registry, if you found it again then remove the path as well. After that open Windows Explorer and also delete by going to this same path - C:\..\..temp\servieca.vbs" failed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: infected with servieca.vbs

    I would suggest you to download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware software that will allow you to actively eradicate malware infecting your machines. Its simplistic interface is divided into nine tabs; research, protection, update, quarantine, reports, exclusions, parameters, other tools. You have two methods of analysis; a quick review scanning of your system with reduced detection base and a comprehensive review to carefully analyze all of your storage devices.

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