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Thread: All email attachment was detected as virus in Internet Explorer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    All email attachment was detected as virus in Internet Explorer

    I am using Internet Explorer as the default web browser. I am using yahoo email. I am having some images in the email and I am trying to download all of them together. And when I click on the same I am getting a zip file. But when I download that my antivirus detect that as a virus and then delete it. I want some help here to fix this thing. And this is constant happening. I am not able to open the attachment. I am quiet annoyed with this issue. I am not having any other browser as it is a office pc and here I am not allowed to install any third party browser.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: All email attachment was detected as virus in Internet Explorer

    You can try out one thing. Forward that email to any other account. Like gmail or any other mail service. And then open the attachment directly in Google drive. If it is gets open then you can download the pictures and save them on the desktop. It happens sometime that some security software detect this as a threat. And it deletes it. If possible you can try to turn off or disable the antivirus for sometime. Verify that the email is from a valid user. Because it happens that there are some spam messages that carry malware in it. And the antivirus will detect and delete it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: All email attachment was detected as virus in Internet Explorer

    Try running the browser without addon and test back. You can try running internet explorer in safe mode that will disable most of the addon and that will might work well. There can be some security addon that can cause the issue. I hope there is some addon which is causing the problem. And by removing that it might start working. I think that will be the best way. Or else you can try using another browser like Firefox. Just for testing purpose. You can try downloading the attachment through that. But if still it is detected as virus then it is surely having some kind of infection in it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: All email attachment was detected as virus in Internet Explorer

    Why internet explorer i mean there are so many good browser available today why don't you try it on some another browser.

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