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Thread: Settings up a wired camera as wireless on lan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Settings up a wired camera as wireless on lan

    I am having few good usb cameras. I bought them from my friend who was running a cyber before. I want to set this as a wireless camera. I have long patch cords with me. But the camera is not having a Ethernet port. So it is not going to work. I want some way through which I can simply make this thing wireless. For example I can hook them in the corners and just scan the video through my pc. It will save my time and also a bit of money. I wont have to pay for cables and fitting will be also not so easy. So is there a way through which I can make them some kind of wireless IP camera.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Settings up a wired camera as wireless on lan

    It is possible to convert this regular usb camera's to a wireless cctv camera. You have to buy a few things for that. First you need a wireless receiver that can stream the video on your pc directly. Then you need a software that can provide a IP address access to the camera. A kind of web access panel for this. I am quiet sure there will be something for that on the web. Here you just have to spend some money on the hardware and then go ahead with the setup. I am quiet sure that this will start working and you wont be getting any major issue in configuring the same.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Settings up a wired camera as wireless on lan

    For making the usb camera to wireless you have to do many things. The most simplest way is to buy a big usb cable or hub. Connect the camera on that and then connect that to your pc. Install the drivers and then done. The camera will start working and you will be able to record all your videos very easily. There are ample of auto recording software. They come with motion detection. You can just run them and it will do the job. You will be able to record things very easily through that. And this is surely not a very complicated thing. Just try to get a usb hub with a long cable.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Settings up a wired camera as wireless on lan

    There are some routers in the market that support usb camera. Through that you can instantly make a usb camera to a wireless one. But you have to find that and buy one. Your regular router does not has the features. I had seen that at my office. It was having usb ports on the backside. You can connect a usb camera on that and it will make it a wireless video recording device. It was very simple to configure. I think going with a long usb cable will be a easiest option. That would be also cheaper compare to a router.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Settings up a wired camera as wireless on lan

    You don't have to buy a full router. There are portable usb cam receivers. This comes with usb ports and a wifi antenna. You have to connect the camera on this device and then through its software you can easily stream the content you want. It works very well. I do not think that it will be costly. You can find this on amazon on or any other popular eCommerce site. Just get one and you can use multiple camera on the same. There are portable usb wireless receiver also available. You can stream the camera video through a usb device on your pc.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Settings up a wired camera as wireless on lan

    For making your current usb camera to a wireless one you need a wifi bridge kind of thing. If you are having a router then it is worth going for this. But if you are not having a router then there is no use of spending money on buying the bridge. Some of this models are also having a Ethernet port on them. So that you can connect it to the router directly and get the photos and pictures. That would be a kind of effective solution. And it is also easy to configure. This does not require any kind of special software to use.

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