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Thread: How to create a Custom Capsule that is a Custom Firmware with root on lacie 2big Network drive

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    How to create a Custom Capsule that is a Custom Firmware with root on lacie 2big Network drive

    hello guys, i am working on lacie network space 2 and want to create custom capsule with root as I am not getting any guide or something which can help me to carry on. I have some questions regarding the same as I am completely new to this forum and not knowing much regarding the same and as I am having version 7 and what are the methods by which you are able to create an custom capsule . I also have some product versions with me but not knowing much regarding it as I doubt which one will suit which one. Please let me know some more information concerning creating a Custom Capsule that is a Custom Firmware with root on lacie 2big Network drive.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: How to create a Custom Capsule that is a Custom Firmware with root on lacie 2big Network drive

    It has been appeared that you are not able to create a share 'Share' on Network space and you can put the capsule in MyShare/Update/ will tend to addition the script will insists in installing in /media/internal_1 and installing the script in /media/internal_1 will not be beneficial . I made some edition with the script to use /tmp/internal_1 instead as I didn’t had enough space on my box. I would recommend you to make use of curdir/<whatever> instead. The script took some extra space and resided in sda9 and the reason it shifted to sd9 was that there was no /media/internal_1 and finally I got that it could be on /media/internal_6 but if you need it working you can try with /lacie/tmp as it can also work.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2012

    Re: How to create a Custom Capsule that is a Custom Firmware with root on lacie 2big Network drive

    I am having same issues as I don’t know procedure to run this script without root access?there is no root access amd I am with Network Space 2 firmware 2.0.6 . can you gusy help me as how I am able to run this Custom Firmware script without having root access? I tried it but was with some 404 not found error. And as I am working on windows XP, I think I now require to install linux on my pc and boot linux on your computer. I know that. So I will first of install linux but how I am able to launch the script? In addition, does the script require to be run in the ethernet disk? And what are the changes I require to make to the script?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: How to create a Custom Capsule that is a Custom Firmware with root on lacie 2big Network drive

    I am having same issues as this previous post says, was with same doubts, later I just copied the script, gave it execute privileges and then run it.i found this in my terminal terminal window.
    user@host:~$ wget -O 
    user@host:~$ chmod 0755
    user@host:~$ ./
    after trying this one, I was getting
    ./ line 223: folders.tmp: Permission denied
    ./ line 234: folders.tmp: No such file or directory
    I was not knowing what could be the reason as I have performed accurately , as it came to my notice that the Lacie Network Space 2 for some cause "rejects" the capsule update.i just thought it might be solved after I factory reset but there was a sure possibility that this might erase the data from the disk. But later I found that I need to reboot the ethernet disk with the button and I was attempting the same with unplugging the power cable . so that was what I was trying till now but everything works all right after I made this change. And now it is really working great with Windows 7, Ubuntu over VMware.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: How to create a Custom Capsule that is a Custom Firmware with root on lacie 2big Network drive

    I also need to add some more which will help you to solve this I while executing the script , I was with some error as mentioned.
    Extracting capsule:
    - Extracting original (2.1.2) capsule ..........OK (done)
    - Unpacking original (2.1.2) capsule tarball ..........OK (done)
    - Unpacking original (2.1.2) rootfs tarball (can take up to 5 minutes) ..........tar: ./dev/zero: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted
    tar: ./dev/null: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted
    tar: ./dev/console: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted
    tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
    OK (done)
    And rest of the script went ok. What I selected was NetworkSpace2 with FirmWare version 2.1.2. and I just thought it would work properly under Lubuntu 11.10 on VMware on MAC OS 10.6.8 but that was not the case. I alter made some modification with the permissions by passing commands such as "rm -r" in to "rm -fr" as I require to confirm each and every file to be read only. I later investigated and found that there were some misconceptions with 5 and 6th line and I found that rootfs.tar.lzma encloses several device nodes, and only root can create device nodes on your system .and then running the script as root worked well. I was with some further issues as it came to my notice that Transmission daemon were not routinely initiated by initng in NetworkSpace2 .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: How to create a Custom Capsule that is a Custom Firmware with root on lacie 2big Network drive

    Thanks for your reply as this gave me some hints regarding this topic. I however was able to run the script but , I think there are some errors which still remain on my NAS. So as I was already with the transmission daemon, installed,, it seems that it is not automatically started by initng after a reboot. I am able to see all files. I can utilize transmission daemon and start it manually and make use of it later .but what I am concerned to is an reliable documentation on initng but I can’t find it out as it is an good means in the case of reliability. As I just wanted to synchronize NAS with a remote NAS by means of rsync. So the reason why I was wishing to do the same was , it guarantees that my data would be safe, in one or the other form. I also had some issues with my admin permissions as The root password is not the admin password but just “admin”, and the root password was the admin password and it wasn't "admin". So can you guess what might be wrong here.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: How to create a Custom Capsule that is a Custom Firmware with root on lacie 2big Network drive

    Guys, I also executed the script and there were no errors at all along with received a 5Big Network 2 with a 2.2.3 system and I tried with the script to install a redmine server.the new capsule is generated, the update appears to be good enough because I got a successful message from the Network Assistant but the edition after reboot is still 2.2.3 along with I am not able to ssh. Later I made attempts with manually updating but with no positive result. I also tried with factory reset first and then made an installation of capsule 2.2.3 and modified it.and it did solved.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: How to create a Custom Capsule that is a Custom Firmware with root on lacie 2big Network drive

    I also need to add some more which will help you to solve this I while executing the script , I was with some error as mentioned.
    Extracting capsule:
    - Extracting original (2.1.2) capsule ..........OK (done)
    - Unpacking original (2.1.2) capsule tarball ..........OK (done)
    - Unpacking original (2.1.2) rootfs tarball (can take up to 5 minutes) ..........tar: ./dev/zero: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted
    tar: ./dev/null: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted
    tar: ./dev/console: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted
    tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
    OK (done)
    And rest of the script went ok. What I selected was NetworkSpace2 with FirmWare version 2.1.2. and I just thought it would work properly under Lubuntu 11.10 on VMware on MAC OS 10.6.8 but that was not the case. I alter made some modification with the permissions by passing commands such as "rm -r" in to "rm -fr" as I require to confirm each and every file to be read only. I later investigated and found that there were some misconceptions with 5 and 6th line and I found that rootfs.tar.lzma encloses several device nodes, and only root can create device nodes on your system .and then running the script as root worked well. I was with some further issues as it came to my notice that Transmission daemon were not routinely initiated by initng in NetworkSpace2 .
    It was working well Xbuntu 11.10 with Network Space 2 and I was with same issues with 2.2.4 I had error messages which were same which you received. After successful update, I had rooted, but I did had issues as my ntp (time sinchronization) was not working addition , there were no errors during capsule creation as with version I started script with "sudo ./create_capsule.shand this command really executes well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: How to create a Custom Capsule that is a Custom Firmware with root on lacie 2big Network drive

    I was on Vista/PS3 and was with custom-plugins kinda environment and this thread explains concerning gaining access to root through the script. I was with latest 2.2.5 firmware, but I was not knowing if Twonky configuration gives me access to transcoding files as well. I had another doubt whether it is possible to run two mediaservers on the box or not . and I think many guys may be having doubts whether we will still be able to do run dashboard/assistant from vista or not. So later I found that any media server can give me access to transcoding files but are "only" restricted by the hardware ability. So you guys also need to make a note of one thing that the network space 2 has only 256MB RAM along with 800Mhz processor. And found that I am able to use the dashboard and lacie network agent with vista.

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