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Thread: How to run debian without chroot on Lacie Network Space 2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    How to run debian without chroot on Lacie Network Space 2

    I just thought installing debian on Lacie Network Space 2 as it would be beneficial if I make use of this OS. But I was a newbie to this process. I however managed to get through it and was successfully able to boot into the installer. But I was receiving some kind of message.
    No kernel modules were found. This probably is due to a mismatch
    between the kernel used by this version of the installer and the
    kernel version available in the archive.
    If you're installing from a mirror, you can work around this problem
    by choosing to install a different version of Debian. The install 
    will probably fail to work if you continue without kernel modules.
    Continue the install without loading kernel modules?
    Some error message like Cannot install kernel appears and I am with two options such as go back and continue, but however , when I continue to install it however fails during the base guys are you having any idea regarding running debian without chroot on Lacie Network Space 2 . please assist me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: How to run debian without chroot on Lacie Network Space 2

    Why don’t you try with Debian chroot install on LaCie Network Space 2 as you might get your desired output. As I have tried this solution and managed to install Debian testing and access it by means of ssh on Lacie Network Space 2. You can go this way if you are intending to install Debian with chroot on LaCie Network Space 2.

    so you need to create chroot enviorment on your existing debian machine.
    # debootstrap --arch armel testing ./testing-armel-chroot
    2)then you will require to Rsync the whole bundle on your Lacie Network Space 2 , for example /shares/MyShare/testing-armel-chroot

    3) you will be having an symlink chroot destination /shares/MyShare/testing-armel-chroot to /debian

    4) then you need to create chroot one-time wrapper script so that you are able to mount chroot enviorment correctly and prepare networking:

    # cat /etc/chroot.debian
    if test "$(whoami)" = "root" ; then
    ifconfig $DEV down
    ifconfig $DEV $IP up
    mount -t proc proc ${ROOTFS}/proc
    mount --bind /dev ${ROOTFS}/dev
    chroot ${ROOTFS} su root -c "/bin/bash $*"

    5) and this is an final step as you may now be able to access to your Debian chrrot moreover by means of chroot:

    # chroot /debian /bin/bash
    other means of doing so by adjusting dropbear configuration file , you are able to start ssh deamon.
    # cat /debian/etc/dropbear/run
    exec 2>&1
    OPTS="-F -E -p 2022 "
    exec dropbear -d ./dropbear_dss_host_key -r ./dropbear_rsa_host_key $OPTS
    # sh /etc/chroot.debian /etc/init.d/dropbear restart

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: How to run debian without chroot on Lacie Network Space 2

    I was with the same issues as when installing from the small cd amd64 in expert non-graphical mode, the installation fails at the time of installing base system which states that it's unable to locate any appropriate kernels. I was not able to continue further and thought it would be exactly relating with kerenels. examining the install in a terminal, I observed that /target/etc/apt/sources.list, formerly containing a placeholder invalid line, has been blanked just previous to this error message. There is an blank file in /tmp called which relates like valid kernel versions. I was making use of LVM on top LUKS if that matters at all, although it perhaps doesn't. By switching to a virtual terminal I performed some work around which I think was close to solution. So after editing the sources file to comprise a Debian repository along with manually installing busybox then the kernel really helped me. So I think you should get a look in this case and try this one. Here is something which I tried later. When you see such type of hte error , you need to then press Ctrl along with F2 to activate the console
    echo "deb stable main contrib non-free"
    >> /target/etc/apt/sources.list
    apt-get update
    apt-get install linux-image-2.6-amd64
    then press Ctrl + F1 and proceed further  installing without kernel.
    apt-get update
    it comes across that the expert mode install does not configure system mirrors before installing base system and that can be your possible cause. So to work around in this step you need to select supplementary mirrors to the netinst. You can attempt to reenact the process afterward if more detail are required and record accurately all steps taken.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: How to run debian without chroot on Lacie Network Space 2

    Let me explain regarding Chroot as you will find this important for your further investigation. A chroot on Unix operating systems is an procedure which modifies your root directory. It will tend to affect only the existing procedure. So regarding "chroot" term , it defines that it can refer either to the chroot(2) system call otherwise the chroot(8) wrapper program. In addition, it is a program that is re-rooted to an additional directory which is not able to access files outside that directory. This offers a convenient means to sandbox an untrusted, untested or else other additional unsafe and risky program. It is as well a simple sort of "jail" mechanism. If you previously have a system installed then you are able to make use of debootstrap so that you are able to setup a "chroot" installation of Debian for testing purposes.
    So you need to install debootstrap first .
     root@desktop:~# apt-get install debootstrap

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: How to run debian without chroot on Lacie Network Space 2

    I previously thought it would be better if I try to set up without chroot'ed Debian on the Network Space 2 as it might help me, built I think you can also give some suggestions regarding how we can set up a chroot'ed Debian and can you give some directions for the same. It was previously stated but I can’t get it though. I later made some search and found that on a Debian computer, with this command I could get that
    # cdebootstrap -a arm -f minimal lenny lenny
    Later I found that I need to add a sources.list furthermore an reslov.conf to the Debian files system . so that was all I knew but could not find something relating as how to get chroot to work now?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: How to run debian without chroot on Lacie Network Space 2

    You will be having an /bin/usr and in this package used the chroot binary and it really did work.
    cdebootstrap --foreign --arch arm lenny /home/daan/lenny
    tar cvzf lenny.tar /home/daan/lenny
    scp lenny.tar nas:/home/myshare/.
    On my Debian lenny desktop pc I entered this code.
    If you are making use of Network Space 2 , then you can enter the below mentioned code.
    cd /home/myshare
    tar xzf lenny.tar

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: How to run debian without chroot on Lacie Network Space 2

    According to me, I suppose you can continue your installation but you require kernel to be operating as it seems to appear that you don’t have an a suitable kernel as the installer is not able to find it. You can try out this code.
    dd if=/dev/sda6 of=/mountpoint/of/sda3/uImage
    so to add further, I need to say that if you need to find some easy means by which you are able to boot the kernel directly is by means of USB that in turn will boot into the root directory. Also see to it that the USB which yiou are using should be of FAT format with a DOS MBR. there can be possibility that it could not be picking up the USB drive I have come across such case and to solve further, you need to open up a separate clunc instance first with this command.
    ./clunc -i <insert IP>
    You will have something like "Marvell>>" and then after this prompt appeared you need to type 'usb reset' and there should be message appearing like scanning for virses which will indicate that you are now connected with your USB.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: How to run debian without chroot on Lacie Network Space 2

    The most important thing you need to consider is ulmage as U-Boot can boot a mixture of file types which can be ldr files, elf wfiles or they can be binary files also and it comprises support for its own particular format, the U-Boot image format. So this format stores information concerning the operating system type along with the load address as well as entry point, basic integrity verification . it also assisted in compression types, along with free description text. a few ordinary bootable U-Boot images you will encounter are files usually named uImage or else vmImage. So you need to download uImage-arm-kirkwood-2.6.36-rc2, and then copy it as uImage to tftp-server /tftproot/uImage but it seems to be wrong with this process as I have tried this one and it did not gave me desired output. so instead of copying to this one, I copied to /tftproot/uImage-2.6.35-debian-installer and then Istarted my installation. So I could get close to the solution. So you can try this way .you can strat your installation with this code,
     tftpboot 0x8000000 uImage-2.6.35-debian-installer;
    and then later boot the debian:
    tftpboot 0x8000000 uImage-arm-kirkwood-2.6.36-rc2;
    setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/sda8 rw noinitrd init=/sbin/init; bootm 0x8000000
    and as previously stated that location of ulmage is really an important thing. So make sure that your uImage is on sda6 and debian / on sda7. It also came to my notice that after continuing to install , you will find kernel on sda6. Further , you need to check whether it is something like this one. dd if=image of=/dev/sda6 you will require to dd it in Lacie box to the same drive, after you have run the command like ftp or sftp and then transfer the uImage to debian .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: How to run debian without chroot on Lacie Network Space 2

    I will provide you some terms to spindown your hard disk in Debian which will prove essential in your case. first make sure if the external hard disk is able to go in spindown. You need to disable all services which has disk access occasionally,
    MARK– in /var/log/messages
    Then you need to add noatime mount option in /etc/fstab: You will find the access times of directories as well as files stored within this file or directory. That will tend to stay the hard disk spinning, even though when a file is read from the cache. Then you need to search for the changed file along with you need to disable all cronjobs. In addition, if you are using samba, there is an possibility that your hard disk will not spindown since browse.dat in the /var/cache/samba directory is frequently updated. So that it will result in spinning the hard disk.

    You also require to install and configuring hdparm :I made some tests such as laptop-mode-tools, pm-utils en noflushd and they were not working well , I thought it would easily conclude but that was not the case. So made some searches and found that it would be working fine with hdparm. And it really did well. Make a note of one thing that this command will not work on external USB hard disks, by means of SATA it works just right. You then need to open the /etc/hdparm.conf file and set the desired spindown time.

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