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Thread: Need support for VLAN Cisco Linksys E4200/E300 as ASUS RT-N56U and ASUS EA-N66 are having it.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Need support for VLAN Cisco Linksys E4200/E300 as ASUS RT-N56U and ASUS EA-N66 are having it.

    I think there is need of adding ISP settings as Asus is adding VLAN setting for the local ISP. So it is making plug and play when we are purchasing consumer grade routers. So far local ISP has done this particular thing quite difficult to us. However Asus has made this particular thing for us. I am using Linksys product from W54 days and I recommend brand to all of my friend.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Need support for VLAN Cisco Linksys E4200/E300 as ASUS RT-N56U and ASUS EA-N66 are having it.

    As far as I know Cisco is not having support for VLAN into Linksys brand router. However I recommend that you should check Cisco Small Business.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Need support for VLAN Cisco Linksys E4200/E300 as ASUS RT-N56U and ASUS EA-N66 are having it.

    Well I am not asking for the Vlan support. So far I am asking for ISP VLAN setting. According to me normal consumer would definitely avoid Cisco small business and look for consumer friendly firmware router as what ASUS is supposed to do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Need support for VLAN Cisco Linksys E4200/E300 as ASUS RT-N56U and ASUS EA-N66 are having it.

    I do agree that Linksys routers are not having support for the VLAN tagging. Whereas Cisco routers are having support for the VLAN tagging for the small business .

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