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Thread: Recover Bitlocker encrypted drive password

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    ThumbsUp Recover Bitlocker encrypted drive password

    I am not able to access my j drive after locking it with Bitlocker. My problem is that when i was encrpting j drive accidently went off my PC but before that I saved my security keys in my C drive in documents. But after restarting my PC, it’s accepting my keys to open J drive but nothing is happening and get busy. Please FRIENDS help me out. ITS 500 GB HARDDISK I CAN'T FORMATED IT SO PLS GIVE ME SOME GOLDEN SUGGESTIONS PLS PLS PLS

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Recover Bitlocker encrypted drive password

    There are certain methods that you can try to recover your Bitlocker password. The first process is to use BitLocker Recovery Password Viewer. This tools works both for server users and local computer. The tool helps to search for bitlocker password stored in the encrypted drive and also to recover data. Download the below linked tool and follow the site instructions.

    Bitlocker Password Recovery Tool

    There is an another tool called Manage-bde.This commond line tool can help you to turn on and off bitlocker feature so that you can get your files. You have to pass the following command to turn off and on bitlocker.

    To turn off pass this cmd : manage-bde –off Volume [-ComputerName Name]

    manage-bde -off F:

    Last thing you can use a Live CD to recover your data. Do this when nothing works out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Recover Bitlocker encrypted drive password

    hi frnd i tried to download tat tool but mine's not geniune copy its asking 4 validation code so i can't download it,
    i gave cmd like this "manage-bde -off J:" [without quotes] but its replying like this [BitLocker Drive Encryption : Configuration tool Version 6.1.7601
    Copyright <C> Microsoft Corporation. All right reserved.
    ERROR: AN attempt to access a requried resources was denied.
    Check that you have administrative rights on the computer.]
    now wat to do,
    {manage-bde –off Volume [-ComputerName Name],
    wat is this, mine's is J drive, pls tell me how to use the above command for cmd for J drive}
    I can't understood that you told about live CD.
    pls help me.

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