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Thread: Trend Micro web console doesn't show summary page

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Trend Micro web console doesn't show summary page

    First thing I would like to tell you that I am not very much familiar with the Trend Micro suite. I hope that most of you know about it. Now I have a trouble by my officescan web console, for the reason that don't confirm summary page within the dashboard, i encompass 600 clients installed, what kind of dilemma will be blocking this app within the console?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Trend Micro web console doesn't show summary page

    Yes, I know the OfficeScan console. No, you did not mention that a previous version was installed. And is not this information "would now no longer ...” no sense. So you've made an update? Then restart the IIS? Again, we could learn a few more details please? Finally, do you expect support from us yet? WIth the previous data can be guessed maximum.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Trend Micro web console doesn't show summary page

    OfficeScan 10, the web console is accessed by default with the root user and password that is set during a fresh installation, or when an upgrade takes the existing password in the product.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Trend Micro web console doesn't show summary page

    I also use Trend Micro. To record on a client, you can go on with your Office Scan console. Here at "client administration" to select "Remote Installation" (or something like that - it may unfortunately still do not memorize) select. It opens a new window. In the left selects the client (or adds it to look over). It is prompted for a user name and password (either local admin, domain admin or in "domain \ admin" notation). And you can the client (or several) to add. On "Apply", the installation will start. The advantage is that the user can continue working parallel to the station and do not require admin privileges. The client is installed in the background; the only thing the user sees is only one day the opening image of Trend Micro, which aufploppt short and then a new icon in the taskbar.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Trend Micro web console doesn't show summary page

    Ok, unfortunately I can help you in things Indian is not really in my knowledge of this relationship are not really up to date. Thus only some guesses:
    • If OfficeScan does otherwise, I suspect the problem with the web server directly. I could not think of a permissions problem. Do you have more sites with the same technologies, in which case see the permissions.
    • The privilege of sitting OfficeScan Web site to run scripts properly?
    • Since when did you exactly problems, MS has once again nachgeschoben after Patch Tuesday update. Is that time?
    • If you get stuck, ask directly at TrendMicro times, I've at least had good experiences with those

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Trend Micro web console doesn't show summary page

    The console is a TrendMicro WebApplication substantially, so still need IIS or the web server is up and running. Then verifies that it is so and if it were not errors in your event viewer

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