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Thread: what is HyperFast option on Trend Micro titanium?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    what is HyperFast option on Trend Micro titanium?

    I have purchased the trend micro Titanium internet security. Its best internet security and antivirus software I ever used. The features of this package are really great. I just have some question regarding one of the option available in the software. There is one option which known as hyperfast. Actually this option is disabled in my antivirus software. So can anyone has any information regarding what is actually the use of it and how can we enable it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: what is HyperFast option on Trend Micro titanium?

    I haven’t heard about such a option which has the name hyperfast. There is the one option which I know is that which will be available for the system startup option. You can go to the other settings in the antivirus software. And choose the option extra performance which will help you to improve the performance of the antivirus. But doesn’t load the antivirus any faster. Since I have Titanium and don’t see this option of hyperfast in it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: what is HyperFast option on Trend Micro titanium?

    Yes I also want to know about this option. What actually it does if we able to enable it. Since I have purchased the Trend Micro Titanium Internet security .I has searched over the internet regarding this and I got this information that this is the separate optional product which we can purchase from the site itself. But when I one through the site I haven’t find any such a package which will know hyperfast. So if it was purchasable or free then from where we can download it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: what is HyperFast option on Trend Micro titanium?

    I haven’t heard of this hyperfast option but the other option settings for startup type in titanium which can help you to improve the performance those are extra security, extra performance and balance protection. Each has their special features. Default setting is selected to the balanced protection you can make it to extra performance or extra security. Extra security option will start the antivirus as soon as system stats up which slower the loading time of the windows. And the other option extra performance will in this the antivirus will load after the system stats up completely.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: what is HyperFast option on Trend Micro titanium?

    I also have purchased the Trend Micro Titanium internet security. But I haven’t seen the option hyperfast in it. I know that we can have the settings for startup type to increase the performance of the system. And also searched for it over the site but there is nothing like this.

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