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Thread: How to exclude mapped network drive from security essentials

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    How to exclude mapped network drive from security essentials

    I am using windows 7 in my computer and I have security essential installed im my computer to provide security for mu computer. But whenever start scanning it includes all the local drives as well as it includes mapped drives also but I want to scan only my local and removable drives only. Please tell me what should I do to exclude the mapped drives from the list of scan. Please if you know how to do this then give me reply me with proper solutions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: How to exclude mapped network drive from security essentials

    If you want to exclude the mapped drive from the scan list. Then you need to perform following steps
    • First open the security essentials.
    • Now on security essentials box click on scan tab. In that scan tab select the customize tab.
    • In customize tab you will find the all your drives with the option to select by marking required drive for scanning.
    • From that list select only those drives which you want scan. And unselect the drives which you don’t want scan.

    After that start scanning and its done.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: How to exclude mapped network drive from security essentials

    Thank you for your help. As I was following your steps I found the customize option in scan tab but in that customize tab the list is showing only Local drives and removable drives. It is not showing any of mapped drives so this trick doesn’t work for me. So is there any other trick for that. if you have any other solution except this trick then please tells me I will be very thankful to you. Please reply me with some useful solutions. thank you in advance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: How to exclude mapped network drive from security essentials

    If You are not able to exclude the mapped drives then you can do it manually also
    • Click on start menu and click on run and type regedit in run box.
    • From registery keys window look for Microsoft antimalware key.
    • On that key do right click and select the dWord alue and thenset the value to 1
    • And rename it to DisableScanningNetworkFiles
    • After that restart your computer and try to scan.

    Now please tell me that is this solution help you or not?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: How to exclude mapped network drive from security essentials

    According to me, it shows that a "Full Scan" does not include mapped drives. It only shows thst it going to complete the local drive and then after some time it looked that it is stuck somewhere. After that the elapsed time also stopped changing and the CPU usage remains minimum. But There was some activity was going on in system, and it was showing that scanning located in the C drive. But after that When I disconnect the network cable, the scan automatically gets completed. So I suggest you to don’t do full scan. Just do custom scan and do scanning for individual drive.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: How to exclude mapped network drive from security essentials

    Thank you so much. I have tried lots of time to exclude the mapped drives from security essentials and also spent lots of hours behind that but I didn’t find any effective solution for that. Now I have decided to just go with your last solution and do custom scan only because that’s the only option is left for me. But in future if you get any solution for that then please do post.

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