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Thread: SSID allows unsecure connection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    SSID allows unsecure connection

    I bought Linksys N router E1000 while starting up, I noticed that it is an aspect that automatically configure a guest account with no password secure. I do not want people to see someone my SSID off, without help from an unsecured connection. I used the disk to set up and in fact there is a function of existence that will allow you to knock out, on the other hand, while I finished modifications to the default set ups Linksys router is the application from the hard right does not allow me to use these functions. Now I want to know is there any way to get rid of the guest account?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: SSID allows unsecure connection

    On one occasion I was very happy that Cisco Connect software has automatically disabled guest access. After this, I restored a backup configuration through my mac filtering and port forwarding. But beyond this, the guest access is out and allows connections (although there is no Internet connection right). SSID has been disabled in the sum. IMO should be tightened in the advanced settings on the way to knock out access visits, and so on. In general, it seems like a bug that is causing the problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: SSID allows unsecure connection

    First you need to advance the program directory for Cisco Connect and then go into the configuration folder. There you will find a file called settings.xml. I'm also using Windows 7 64 bit, however, the file is on my team is in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Cisco Systems Cisco \ Connect \ Settings. It is necessary to modify the file and the right of the administrator password no matter what is changed in the way, and then be able to make use of the Cisco Connection and the Web interface again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: SSID allows unsecure connection

    Based on web tool, it will not be able to find a guest account preferences and parental controls. This attribute is only obtained by the use of Cisco Connect. At a time when you release the Cisco Connect extends your PC, under the guest account is required to clack on the top of the Change option and then going to create a guest account and password by using guest account password that can connect the wireless network. If you cannot access this feature, then you will need to contact Cisco.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: SSID allows unsecure connection

    Is this some kind of major problem with each and every one of the innovative routers. Some of these cannot able to create the guest SSID website monitoring appears to be rather silly. Acknowledge the place of the Cisco Connection application and it does not really make simple obsessions level not done yet I understand why all similar traits, it is accessible regardless of the form of access.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: SSID allows unsecure connection

    I had been using my talk of broadband for some time before I realized I had an unsecured connection. He had also foolishly used my name as the SSID in the original configuration using the connection and go cd. I tried to go to the admin page is recommended, but the connection does not allow me to enter "admin" as password, so I could not agree to change my configuration. I had another router of the same brand so far and changed to reconnect and ran the cd go. This time gave me a secure connection with a new SSID. My problem is that when I look at my local wireless connections from my old non-secure connection is still there and still active. How do I get rid of it so it's just my secure connection that is visible?

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