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Thread: How I can design a Local Network with 5 Pc ,file sharing and printer sharing.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    How I can design a Local Network with 5 Pc ,file sharing and printer sharing.

    My friend is running a computer class. He has 7 Computers each with windows XP and an internet connection. He want connect all Computers in LAN. Each Computer should share same internet connection. There is a printer which is shared among all Computers. Some files (shared files) should shared by the entire Computer in LAN. I want step by step procedure for LAN setups. What are the hardware require for LAN setup. what will be the layout of LAN. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: How I can design a Local Network with 5 Pc ,file sharing and printer sharing.

    Hello sir, you just have Comps, gather all LAN devices, so first buy LAN wire, a switch and RJ 45 connectors. If you don’t have LAN port on your Computer then buy LAN card with RJ45 slots. Use a crimpling tool fix the RJ 45 to LAN cable. Cut the LAN wire as per the requirement. While fixing RJ 45 to wires keep color combination in mind. Crimp it properly. Once you had done crimping. Put one side the wire to your LAN card and other end to the switch.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: How I can design a Local Network with 5 Pc ,file sharing and printer sharing.

    Once you have all devices required for LAN connection. Connect it properly. Now its time to configure your Computer for internet connection. Click on network place on desktop icon then right click on my network option. Choose LAN from property then in general select Internet protocol then provide following ip address ip ddress:,default getway: then click on OK button. This shoul done with all computer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: How I can design a Local Network with 5 Pc ,file sharing and printer sharing.

    I am going to tell you how to share internet once you have connected all Comp in LAN. Click on network place on desktop, and then right click on active Internet connection having your Internet service provider name. Click on property option then click on advanced option then tick on option with allows other network. Here you are finished internet sharing on the LAN. Now you try to use net on other Comp. Hope this will help you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: How I can design a Local Network with 5 Pc ,file sharing and printer sharing.

    Hey friend instead of switch you can use router that will be better. It will avoid of using one extra LAN wires in Computer that is called server. Enter the IP address in “ advance option” of internet property . gateway address in all the Computer should be same except server.Now you will be able to open the browser in paricu of the Computer. Repeate with same with other Systems. IP address should not be the same. Last bit should be different. On more thing until your server is not turned on you can use internet on other PC.

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