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Thread: Slow local network file transfer from Windows 7 to XP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Slow local network file transfer from Windows 7 to XP

    I am having two computers that are connected with the help of Cat5 cable to a Linkysys router. One of those computers is running the Windows 7 and other one is running under Windows 7. If I transfer any file from Windows XP to Windows 7 computer then I get around 80 MB/s transfer speed but if the same file I transfer from the Windows 7 to Windows XP computer then it just give me 1.5 mb/s transfer speed. Can you tell me that why is showing such a big difference. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Slow local network file transfer from Windows 7 to XP

    Have you lined out some of the CPU utilization problem like disabling antivirus otherwise any of the other background processes? You can just ensure from the the task manager meant for that. Possibly attempt to boot to the Windows 7 disc, and as of a command prompt (Recovery environment), copy a number of files to perceive if it is now as slow. That might assist to decide that if you encompass an environment-specific problem through your Windows 7 installation otherwise a hardware difficulty.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Slow local network file transfer from Windows 7 to XP

    This problem can be because of the antivirus that you are using in your computer. If during the file transfer, It scans all the files that are getting transferred then obviously the speed is going to be slow. If you want to check that whether the problem is with antivirus in your system then you can try by disabling the antivirus in your system. Disable the antivirus and transfer any file and see if that makes any difference in the transfer rate of the files.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Slow local network file transfer from Windows 7 to XP

    If you have done a good number of troubleshooting and not getting the solution for this issue then you can try to use a dissimilar NIC if you have one accessible. It is possible that the Windows 7 is being unpredictable with the Nvidia. The NIC permit computers to correspond above a computer network. It is together an OSI layer 1 (physical layer) as well as layer 2 (data link layer) device, as it offers physical right to use to a networking medium as well as gives a low-level addressing system in the course of the use of MAC addresses. It permits users to hook up to each other both by using cables otherwise wirelessly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Slow local network file transfer from Windows 7 to XP

    You should determine that if it is the SMB (File and Print Sharing) problem, you might attempt using one more method like FTP otherwise WebDAV. I have not heard of a few matters that are going stuck between Windows 7 and XP but anything can be happen in the word of technology. If I remember properly that Windows XP Pro has IIS FTP and possibly WebDAV. If it does not then you can download a free of charge FTP server like WarFTP and try that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Slow local network file transfer from Windows 7 to XP

    There may be few issues in the operating system that you have installed in your computer. If it is not working properly or any of the file in that is corrupted then you may get this issue. There may be many reasons behind this. To solve this issue, you can try to install the operating system again to both of the computers. Repairing the system may also be a good option for you but that there are more chances of resolving this by installing it again.

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