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Thread: Windows 7 unable to browse the network

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Windows 7 unable to browse the network

    I have a problem with windows 7 professional network connected to a Windows 2003 domain. When I browse the network only shows the name of my pc. Is running NetBIOS over TCP / IP, the Computer Browser service is running, I activated the usefulness of mapping I / O LLTD through Group Policy, I disabled the firewall and defender, as I have antivirus console, addresses ip is manually configured with the correct dns server. I checked the network connection is active and the identification of voice networks on all 3 profiles. Now that there is some bangs his head looking for solutions, but I find nothing to do.Exclude a priori that the server has problems because it is configured like so many others under my supervision that does not give me problems with PCs running Windows 7. Any suggestions to solve the problem?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Windows 7 unable to browse the network

    Then only when you open Computer> Network will not find anything except itself? I also have slow response times from the network? If you disable or remove (for safety is better) the antivirus? So regarding this I have tried many solutions but nothing of them seems to work in my case. So regarding this if you have any better solution then please help me over here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Windows 7 unable to browse the network

    In this when the network on the desktop or Start menu, I only see myself. The network has no latency, extended ping do not detect any packet loss. Has a card up to 1GB GB switch. And also here I want to know that what do you mean for long periods of response for the dns? The virus is a simple client that I have already uninstalled but without success, then reinstalled. So I am also in search of better solution so if anybody have then please help me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Windows 7 unable to browse the network

    I did not understand well what you mean when you go online on the desktop and start menu, the list of PCs in the network are exploring the network resources. For example, ping the machine name and see how much time elapses between sending the command and display its IP, and if correct (of course, but obviously correct).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Windows 7 unable to browse the network

    The test on the protocol layer has been done before; I removed and reloaded the Protocol tab Network. I also activated the usefulness of mapping I / O LLTD through Group Policy that was not. I have configured and enabled by default as I offer some guides that I found. And it is like a nice dilemma. At the moment I created the link on the desktop to the resources they need. I am not able to waste any more time, unfortunately, for technical reasons. But personally I'd like to understand what the problem is to eventually solve it, if might arise elsewhere.

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