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Thread: Poor IPERF file transfer performance between two back-to-back Windows 7 Dell laptops

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Poor IPERF file transfer performance between two back-to-back Windows 7 Dell laptops

    I had been working for an ISP, and our WAN install procedure for enterprise business customers necessitates us to install a laptop at the customer's principle to run IPERF tests to determine average file transfer throughput connecting dissimilar offices. I have been using Dell D830 laptops working with Windows XP Pro, additional than I recently brought two brand innovative Dell Precision M4400 laptops working with Windows 7 for the reason that several of my customers plan to upgrade. Previous to deploying them for WAN tests, I required to get an idea of what to anticipate in a low-latency LAN surroundings, so I associated the two Windows 7 laptops back-to-back by means of a crossover Ethernet cable and installed IPERF on together boxes. I put out of action Windows Firewall and I do not have comprise several additional firewall or anti-virus apps installed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Poor IPERF file transfer performance between two back-to-back Windows 7 Dell laptops

    Making an allowance for this is related to a third party tool and they have encompass limited resources regarding how it is designed and how it runs, it is suggested that you contact the hold up or maintain of IPERF for assist in view of the fact that they are familiar by means of their products: you have to make not Microsoft provides third party contact information in sequence to assist you locate technical hold up or maintain. I was testing a local network and had comparable tribulations. On UDP try to position 1000 Mbps/sec UDP bandwidth and increase the UDP packet size.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Poor IPERF file transfer performance between two back-to-back Windows 7 Dell laptops

    OK I am having a extraordinary problem by means of my innovative laptop which I imagine by a procedure of elimination comes into view to be Windows 7 related. I be able to locate several additional sites covering tribulations with this additional than the entire the solutions I look at do not seem to run. Laptop is an alien ware M17xx, and I get these tribulations by means of together the gigabit NIC and wireless NIC (together intel). My internet presentation (subsequent to upgrading the driver files, as the gigabit was originally having disconnect tribulations) is absolutely extremely well and using my broadband router to its full potential (getting approximately 4-6 MBPs).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Poor IPERF file transfer performance between two back-to-back Windows 7 Dell laptops

    The entire the on top of communicate completely and have comprise extremely high transfer speeds (essentially limiting factor is every apparatus network card or hard disk presentation) connecting each additional so it is not the network, and the desktop apparatus by means of Win7 has no tribulations strangely moreover. When I try to copy files using explorer I get transfer speeds that are approximately 30-150 K/s (as opposed to twice figures MB/s of the entire the rest of the network). The similar is in addition true if I setup an FTP server on the desktop apparatus or the NAS, exactly the similar transfer speeds, additional than yet as formerly stated when I download of the internet I get speeds of in excess of 600K/s so there comes into view to be an additional bottleneck somewhere. (xcopy and robocopy in addition have comprise the similar speeds.) This in excess of My Network or mapped drives as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Poor IPERF file transfer performance between two back-to-back Windows 7 Dell laptops

    I had run the IPERF tests and originate that TCP-based file transfers are not terrible. I be able to average 910 mbps subsequent to tuning the TCP Window Size. On the other hand, UDP-based file transfers are completely terrible. The most excellent I be able to get is 150 mbps and I drop a lot of packets. It comes in to view there's a UDP rate limiter built into the operating system, maybe to smooth out audio and video presentation (as those packets are characteristically UDP). Be capable of someone tell me how to put out of action this rate limiting so I be able to get superior UDP packet transfer test results.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Poor IPERF file transfer performance between two back-to-back Windows 7 Dell laptops

    I am to be cleared; that the dissimilarity connecting TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is that TCP utilize procedure to make sure that the packets are appropriately sent to the receiver whereas by means of UDP the packets are sent without several checks additional than by means of the benefit of being quicker than TCP. The Iperf uses the dissimilar capacities of TCP and UDP to provide statistics regarding network links. In conclusion, Iperf be capable of be installed extremely easily on several UNIX/Linux or Microsoft Windows system. One host must be set as client, the additional one as server.

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