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Thread: Tcp/ip Protocol Driver Service Failed To Start

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Tcp/ip Protocol Driver Service Failed To Start

    I have a pc that can no longer " catch " ip address , so I check the service " DHCP Client " was started and it started well, it gives me error 1068 as what they are dependencies that are not started. In addiction there is the IPSEC service , which is not started , it gives me the same error that the DHCP service . By cons dependence IPSEC , ie the service " RPC "is a good star. Please help. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Tcp/ip Protocol Driver Service Failed To Start

    You need to attempt repair XP from the installation CD, booted from the XP CD , follow the instructions on the screen until it suggests you to type the letter " R "to repair your system. Then restart normally and see if the problem persists. If this is the case, see the side of your network card : remove the panel config and restart : it will be recognized at next start.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Tcp/ip Protocol Driver Service Failed To Start

    Have you checked whether Event Viewer recorded error messages when attempting to start the service " DCOM Server Process Launcher ". Start --- > Settings --- > Control Panel ---> Administrative Tools ---> Event Viewer, Check the appsApplication , Security and System if there are red or yellow icons .When I disable it , there are certain functions that I can not access ( the logical disk management for example ). Normally , if you put this service in manual startup and if another service / another application needs it , it should be launched . By checking the dependencies , the service " Logical Disk Manager " does not depend on the service " DCOM Server Process Launcher "( but service " Remote Procedure Call ( RPC) "and " Plug and Play ") . Can you post on the forum the list of services your PC: Start ---- > Run , type services.msc and click OK. In the " Services ", click on the View menu and then click Add / Remove Columns .In Add / Remove columns , using the Add and Delete, to ensure that only exist right ( "Columns displayed" ) that : Name, State, Startup Type, Log on as then confirm with OK.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Tcp/ip Protocol Driver Service Failed To Start

    Check the steps:
    (1) open the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ SharedAccess.
    (2 ) Edit a string value named ImagePath .
    (3) Enter the value data as follows: % SystemRoot % \ System32 \ svchost.exe - k netsvcs. Generally this type of error is always due to a problem on this value . Just compare its contents with that of another machine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Tcp/ip Protocol Driver Service Failed To Start

    You need to start service:
    * Click Start/Execute then type: services.msc .
    * Click OK.
    * Double-click the service that was mentioned as being in error .
    * Click on the tab Login.
    * In the Profile equipment vote click select hardware profile and click the button Activate.
    * Click Apply then click the tab General.
    * Click on the buttons Start and OK.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Tcp/ip Protocol Driver Service Failed To Start

    You need to reinstall the tcp / ip in vista, it's the same commands for xp you just think of launching the console in administrator mode. Start / touslesprogrammes / Accessories , right-click the command prompt , then run as administrator. Then we claps
    netsh int ip reset c: \ Resetlog.txt
    netsh winsock reset
    and it restarts after.

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