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Thread: BSNL Broadband: Problem with WiFi on Nokia Siemens Router 1600

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    BSNL Broadband: Problem with WiFi on Nokia Siemens Router 1600

    Hi, I have a small home network configured with a Desktop computer and a laptop. The desktop computer is running on Windows XP and Laptop is running on Windows 7 operating system. The desktop computer has a BSNL connection which is provided by a Nokia Siemens Router 1600 which has wireless capability. I want to share the same connection on the laptop and hence I connect the laptop to the router using Wifi but I am facing some problems while using Wifi. Sometimes the laptop does not detects the router and sometimes if the router is detected, the connection only works for some time. I cant figure out what is the reason behind the problem and hence need your help. So if anybody is facing similar BSNL Broadband: Problem with WiFi on Nokia Siemens Router 1600 then please suggest some solutions about the topic. Any help is highly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: BSNL Broadband: Problem with WiFi on Nokia Siemens Router 1600

    I think the problem which you are facing is due to the IP version conflict on the network. The default IP version of Windows 7 operating system is IPv6 while the default IP version of Windows XP operating system is IPv4. Therefore if two computers working on these two operating system are connected on the same network, it will give rise to IP version conflict. Therefore you will have to disable the IPv6 support of Windows 7. To disable the IPv6 support of Windows 7, go to the LAN properties and then select TCP/IP properties. Remove the check mark from the option which says "Enable IPv6 support" and save the settings. See if the laptop is able to connect to the router or not.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: BSNL Broadband: Problem with WiFi on Nokia Siemens Router 1600

    To be able to share the same connection between the two computers using a router, the router has to be configured properly. If the router is not configured properly then the sharing of the connection will not be proper. Check if the router is configured properly or not. To check if the router is configured properly or not, login to the router using the default IP address. Go to the configuration page and check if the settings are properly entered in the configuration table. If there are any changes to be made, do the changes and then reboot the router.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: BSNL Broadband: Problem with WiFi on Nokia Siemens Router 1600

    The network which you are trying to connect must be encrypted due to which the successful connection cannot be established between the router and the laptop. There are 3 types of encryption which can be configured to protect the network from undesirable users. Windows 7 only supports WPA and WPA2 encryption, therefore if the network is encrypted using WEP then the computer will not detect the router or will get disconnected frequently. Therefore check the encryption of the router and if the encryption is other than WPA then change it to WPA and see if the network works properly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: BSNL Broadband: Problem with WiFi on Nokia Siemens Router 1600

    The working of the router depends on the firmware of the router which is known as algorithm. Stronger the algorithm, better is the performance of the router. If the algorithm of the router is outdated or is corrupt then the router will not work properly and will give rise to problems which are similar to the ones which you are facing. Hence try and update the firmware of the router. To update the firmware of the router, go to official website of the manufacturer of the router and then download the latest firmware which is available for the model of the router which you are using. Install the update on the router and check if the performance of the router improves or not.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: BSNL Broadband: Problem with WiFi on Nokia Siemens Router 1600

    Before updating the firmware of the router, login to the router and check if the DHCP running on the router is working properly or not. DHCP running on the router is responsible for assigning IP address to all the devices which are connected to it. If the DHCP on the router is not working properly then the devices which are connected to the router will keep on disconnecting. Hence login to the router and then disable and re-enable the DHCP. Once done save the configuration and reboot the router.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: BSNL Broadband: Problem with WiFi on Nokia Siemens Router 1600

    All you dopes never beguile a person when dont have knowledge about any particular thing...

    well now about the nokia seimens router provided by bsnl...
    the router's wireless is quite buggy and does not start at first start most often so whenever you restart your router. Just disable and enable the wireless again from your lan connected computer..... or you can upgrade to the new version of your firmware at it has been reported that for many regions it does not work hence you have to bear the problem in that case or manage to get the latest firmware .. this was in relation to your problem that your router does not detect your router. now in order to share the internet on both computer and laptop just use any ip settings you want use default i prefer for starters and dont manually dial the connection rather you should configure your router with your username and password..
    for that just enter your username and password in the first bridge under wan section and also set the mode to pppoe mode under that set to bridge frames between wan and lan..
    restart the router and you are ready to go ..
    whenever you face problem that router is onot detected just restart your wireless from the lan connected computer

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