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Thread: How to safely share a ADSL connection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    How to safely share a ADSL connection

    I want to enable my internet connection sharing on the home network. But last time when I did this then someone was using my internet connection. This has cause high packet rise. I had then disabled the same. I am finding some basic tips and causes of an unsecured adsl connection. How to safely share the connection and if I make an unsecured connection then what can be causing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How to safely share a ADSL connection

    The process for concerning to either an ADSL-based or a cable-based broadband Internet service is extremely comparable. In view of the fact that the beginning of wires-only ADSL services (also referred to as "self-install") several modems with built-in routers - allowing correlation of a numeral of PCs via Ethernet cables - have approach to market. BT used a device which performed the similar fundamental functions when ADSL was primary introduced, in mid-2000. On the other hand, modern-day modem/routers are user-configurable and present several supplementary characteristics, such as Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and firewall security.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to safely share a ADSL connection

    The most important dissimilarity of connecting ADSL and cable is that with the latter, your modem is probable to be supplied by your ISP and will not be a collective modem/router device. In this case the modem will necessitate being associated to a divide router device which will act as the hub throughout which the Internet correlation can be communal by additional PCs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How to safely share a ADSL connection

    The most important benefits of ADSL are Always on, no "connection setup" waiting, communal Internet correlation probable connecting several hosts, faster than ISDN or analog modem right of entry and might be the cheapest substitute for regular users. But unsecured association is simple to hack. Your system might be misused for mass mailing (i.e. spam). Theft of information in sequence (loss of privacy/secrecy), and probable exploitation of financial gain (credit card numbers, misuse of banking software, blackmail).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: How to safely share a ADSL connection

    The standard risk of an unsecured ADSL correlation is unconstitutional right of entry from the Internet to your host(s) on the restricted network (on the LAN side of the ADSL router/modem). Such unconstitutional right of entry is prepared additional plausible in view of the fact that the correlation is "always on" and therefore attackers can silently try to crack your machines as you are not in front. With "normal" dial-up connections, it is easier to notice strangely and activity as one runs on the machine when associated to the Internet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: How to safely share a ADSL connection

    The probable collision of an unconstitutional right of entry in adsl correlation is that your system might be misused to circulate porn pictures, warez (pirated software archive), or as a hub for hacker forums. Your system may be misused to assault supplementary machines (hundreds of so called assault (ro)bots' or 'zombies' can be used to cause most important disturbance to additional Internet sites or users. An illustration is described in [2]). Your machine is then used to conceal the individuality of the actual attackers, and you seem to be the individual who is carrying out the attacks.

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