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Thread: Accessing router setting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Accessing router setting

    I am unable to access my router settings and whenever I am trying to access with the Local IP address "" ,it shows me the following error.

    404 Not Found

    Not Found
    The request URL / was not found on this server.

    Would you tell me,how can I get the router settings?????.Suggest me please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Accessing router setting

    If you are not getting the router settings or related information from the network so you need to move just your system setting prompt -

    1- Go to the command prompt and type the following -
    C:\> IPconfig/all

    2- The default gateway address would be listed on the screen and just pick the entry which is your router address.

    Routers are commonly found like - but they can be different.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Configuring router setting

    Configuring router setting

    I think you need to configure your router again and the procedure to configure the router settings would be explained below.I will suggest you about some common setting not in much broad.

    To configure the router,you must Open the web browser like- Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape Communicator and then type and press "Enter".The used IP address is a factory default IP assigned to the router.You can access it in wireless router manual. So you require a little manual study for router configuration.

    You require to configure computer with the IP contains in the network which is same as the wireless router, so you can access and can change the settings of the router. In this case, I configured the computer IP as which can also be configure using this algorithm 192.168.1.X, X= number between 2 and 254,configure the netmask as and gateway as

    Now you would be prompted to enter the default user and password you found in router from manual.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Accessing router setting

    There may be one of the solutions which can help you to find the appropriate information about the router.If you feel your router is not working and transmitting the absolute result in the network then you need to reset your router .

    The router can be reset to restart the router by pressing reset button for a little bit of time means press till 30s to 1m.After then log in to router management page using default router IP.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    installing router

    If you are satisfied with the above suggested solutions then you need to install your router which contains some steps to install it.

    1- Just reconnect the devices.
    2- Plug in the router's electrical power source and turn on the router.
    3- Connect your Internet modem to the router which is an optional and plug the appropriate cables into the router jack specified as "WAN" or "uplink" or "Internet."
    4- Connect the router with computer using a network cable.
    5- Open the router's administration tool via computer and follow the steps from 2nd reply by Shen.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    installing router

    After configuring the router settings and all ,you need to take a little steps to finalize the installation.The required user name and password would be asked .

    • If you desire to connect your router with the Internet,the Internet connection information would be required in router's configuration section with appropriate location.
    • You need to update the MAC address of the router if required and suggested by the provider.
    • Now Verify the connection environment is working properly.
    • In the last stage of configuration,add the additional network security features to protect your systems against Internet attackers.

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