I created a conditional forwarder last week in DOMAIN A to point to the nameserver in DOMAIN B, once created I could ping DOMAIN B from the nameserver in DOMAIN A fine and it resolved the IP correctly to it's internal address of (VPN is in Place and I want ot create a Forest Level Trust). I did the same in DOMAINB and DOMAIN A resolved correctly as well. This week when I try to ping DOMAIN B from DOMAIN A first result was "host not found" and after scavenging stale records and updating server records DOMAIN B now resolves to the EXTERNAL ip address when I need it to route over the VPN. When I runa "route print" I get the first entry as "rou9090.static.globetrotter.net []", does the ".static" mean there is a static entry somewhere? If so... I cannot find it anywhere. I have also checked to see if there is any persistent routes in the table and there is not. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!