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Thread: How to reset network connection settings in windows vista

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    How to reset network connection settings in windows vista


    I have a problem connecting to the modem Speedtouch 585 v6 in Vista. When I try to connect I am asking me security key. Probably means the WEP / WPA key, but cannot login. So I need to reset network connection settings in windows. vista. Previously, I had no problem in windows XP.

    Thanks a lot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: How to reset network connection settings in windows vista

    Try TCP Tools, which include TCPView Professional Edition and TCPVStat, are essential tools for network and application diagnosis and troubleshooting. TCP Tools displays all active TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, indicating which process is associated with each local and remote IP address and relaying continuous, detailed real-time data on your system's TCP / IP activity.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to reset network connection settings in windows vista

    Please plug an Ethernet cable in the Speedtouch router, and connect it to your computer.
    - Connect to from your web Browser
    - The default username is Administrator (no password)
    I here assume you have already setup the Internet connection and you can connect to the Internet using an Ethernet cable - in case you
    haven't setup the Internet connection yet, you can do it from the Speedtouch -> Setup menu.
    - To setup the wireless connection, go into the Home Network menu
    - Select your wireless network in the middle of the page (click WLAN: Speedtouch ...)
    - Click Configure in the top right hand corner
    - "Allow New Devices" should be set to "New Stations are allowed (automatically) "
    - Select "Use WEP Encryption".
    - WEP Key Length: 64 bit
    - WEP encryption key: type in the? WEP-HEX? code (10 characters) which is on the back of your modem in upper case
    - Click Apply The WLAN light should then be orange.

    Then try to connect using the Windows XP wireless client, proceeding
    as follows.
    - Click Start -> Run, type in services.msc and press Enter
    - From the list, right click on Wireless Zero Configuration and left click on Properties
    - Set the "Startup type" to? Automatic?, Click on Start and click OK
    - You can now close the Services window
    - Open your Network Connections window (click Start -> control panel
    -> network connection)
    - Right click on the Wireless Networks Connection and go to Properties
    - Go into Wireless Networks and remove each? Preferred network? from the list. Click OK.
    - Right click on your Wireless connection and select View Available Wireless Networks
    - Select your SpeedTouch network and click on Connect
    - You will now be prompted to enter and confirm the encryption key, which is the "WEP-HEX 'key that you previously typed in the modem. The connection to Internet should now be working wirelessly.

    In case it is still not working, please try to ping the router and check your IP settings:
    1) Click on Start-> Run, type in cmd, and press Enter
    2) In the command prompt (black window), type in ipconfig and send us the results
    3) If the previous command displayed an IP address 192.168.1.something for the wireless connection, proceed to step 4
    4) Type in ping and send us the results. This command should display "Reply from ..." four times.

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