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Thread: Help needed for a new network connection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Help needed for a new network connection


    I am having network of 4 machines, 3 of them contain winxp, one win2000 professional SP4, the problem is as follows, with win2000 machine had to be formatted and now with the new operating system loaded no longer connects to the other machines ...

    Please if anyone has a solution for me is what would appreciate.

    The network consists of 4 machines connected to a linksys router which in turn is connected to a modem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    look, I have no great wisdom, only answered with a desire to help

    I went to my very little done the same thing that you QUESTIONS: There were SET network, but the machines were not

    That indicate what folders you want to share: that, win xp is done well (I think the win in 2000 should be very similar): go to my computer, and then right click the folder you want to share (making mind that is all the C), then you go to "sharing and security". In sharing the tab will give you an option which says that there is a risk of sharing data, etc. etc.. give accept, in the new window and click "share this folder on the network," applications. It will ask you restart. If not making one, try restarting the two several times, until it does.

    I hope you have served, as you say, I think that windows in 2000 describe the options that you should be very similar

    a greeting and good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Thank you for your reply and good intention. You try and explain that what they say, but the problem is as follows ... when I go to "My Network Places from the pc with winxp, the whole network or display machines in the working group are the only 3 that contain the operating system and win xp which has not win prof 2000 ('ve tried to see in all machines)

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