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Thread: Opening Word 2007 documents in Word 2003

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Opening Word 2007 documents in Word 2003

    I am having a workstation in my network which has Microsoft Office 2003. While on other there is Office 2007. The pc is quiet old so we ignored upgrading to Office 2007 on the same. Now there is a central share location where all Excel and Word files are kept. After adding the new version of Office the file extension is changed to docx and xlsx. I want some help here to allow that old system to view this new files in Office 2003. Is that possible. I found a compatibility pack but somehow it is not working well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    No there is no way to do that. You have to tell people to save the file in Office 97-2003 compatibility. Or else you cannot view those files in Office 2003. There is no way nor there any convertor or compatibility pack available. Whatever you get is fake. I had seen many file conversion software but none of them worked.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    You can download a Office 2007 file viewer. But you cannot edit them. For modifying them you have to install Office 2007 or else things would not work fine. It is correct that there may be many tools but hardly few of them really works. So that is a quiet waste of time. Better get a word/excel file viewer and then check back. I hope that is going to help you more.

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