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Thread: Initializing the root folders to display

  1. #1
    Andrew.Bath Guest

    Initializing the root folders to display

    Is there a more useful fix for this problem than disconnecting any mapped
    drived that are not connected?
    I have drives mapped for both work and home use and really don't want to
    have to remap my drives every time I change locations.

  2. #2
    LVTravel Guest
    Unfortunately not if you want the Office programs to start
    and work with files and folders quickly. This really became
    an issue with the newer versions of Office because Office 97
    had no lag time if you had unconnected mapped drives.
    Apparently MS changed the way they handled file and folder
    information in newer versions of Office.

    I have two laptops that I regularly transfer between my work
    DNS network and my home peer-to-peer network. I have
    created batch files and placed shortcuts to them in the
    quick launch toolbar to log-on and log-off to the individual
    drives in each network. It's a pain in the butt but it does

    A sample of the log-on and log-off batch files are:

    Onto the DNS network where there are two servers and two
    other computers that are shared peer-to-peer that I
    regularly connect to.

    cd \windows\system32
    NET USE R: \\XXX2\RECORDS /persistent:no
    School records on server
    NET USE Z: \\XXX2\LVTRAVELCOURSE /persistent:no
    Course documents on server
    NET USE P: \\XXX2\LVTRAVEL /persistent:no
    Personal folder on server
    NET USE N: \\XXX1\PROGRAMS /persistent:no
    Shared programs on server
    NET USE V: \\CDCOPIER\CD\LVTRAVEL /persistent:no
    Personal folder on CD/DVD duplicator
    NET USE X: \\FACULTY9\C$ /persistent:no
    My office computer's system drive
    rem NET USE Y: \\FACULTY9\D$ /persistent:no
    My office computer's backup drive not normally connected

    The "/persistent no" will automatically disconnect network
    drive when I shut down the computer. If I hibernate my
    laptop instead of shutting down the drive mappings come back
    when I turn it on the next morning.

    Disconnects the network if I simply hibernate the drive
    between work and home.

    cd \windows\system32
    NET USE R: /delete
    NET USE Z: /delete
    NET USE P: /delete
    NET USE N: /delete
    NET USE V: /delete
    NET USE X: /delete
    NET USE Y: /delete

    Log onto home network: I have three Network Attached
    Storage devices connected to my wireless router/switch along
    with one desktop currently in service along with three
    wirelessly connected laptops.

    cd \windows\system32
    NET USE W: \\BACKUP-250\BACKUP /persistent:no Backup
    NAS device - 250 GB
    NET USE S: \\Documents\Document /persistent:no
    Work drive on NAS - 250 GB
    NET USE O: "\\SONY\SONY C" /persistent:no
    Home desktop system drive - 60 GB
    NET USE P: "\\SONY\SONY D" /persistent:no
    Home desktop 1st work drive - 100 GB
    NET USE Q: "\\SONY\SONY E" /persistent:no
    Home desktop main data drive - 300 GB
    NET USE T: \\MOVIESTORE\MS /persistent:no
    NAS where all video files stored - 500 GB

  3. #3
    Bill Guest
    I hope voting is not the only reason that microsoft fixes dumb behavior.
    This particular behavior is what has switched many of my clients away from
    Microsoft and onto Apple. Not only does it stop the owner of the computer
    for working with no benefit to them for waiting but they "offer" a cancel key
    that seems to indicate I can say, "never mind I don't want to wait" and
    instead does nothing at all. The computer that I purchased and the software
    that I purchased has no respect for my time. It's a VERY bad idea and, as I
    said, I know of some market share loss specifically due to this kind of "take
    over the computer" behavior.

    I think this is more than an office issue as well. The very same behavior,
    unreal slow waits for drop downs, etc. occurs in explorer. I think office is
    using explorer code and that is where MS has messed up. In todays connected world there is no excuse for waiting many many seconds on network connections that don't respond quickly, the likelyhood of them responding in 10 or 20 seconds if they do not respond in 1/2 second is so incredibly low that the value of waiting in negative by alot

  4. #4
    Bob I Guest
    When disconnecting mapped drives doesn't work

    Old HP print drivers...I just deleted the printers.

    Consider the fact this design behavior has been around for over a
    decade. People learning to configure networks and drive mapping properly
    prevents undesired outcome.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Initializing the root folders to display

    Having offline mapped drives shouldn't cause this type of critical error. MS didn't trap this error thar occors 100% in their own ecosystem. Shame that they don't fix it.

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