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Thread: Office SP3 removes TIF and TIFF registered file type extensions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Office SP3 removes TIF and TIFF registered file type extensions

    I was using XP SP3 with Office 2007. Yesterday I upgraded my Office to SP3 and found that there is no more TIF and TIFF registered file type extensions. I thought It could have happened because of some problem in installation. Tried repairing but still the result was same. Later evening I contacted TechNet WebCast and asked them about the problem. They just told me that with Office SP3 upgrade Microsoft Office Document Imaging is changed to match Office 2007. However they were out of idea how this can be fixed.

    I did some research to get it done myself and found that I can bring back TIF and TIFF registered file type extensions using a simple script using ftype and assoc, but I wanted to know if there is any alternate way of doing the same?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    RE: Office SP3 removes TIF and TIFF registered file type extensions

    I guess SP3 is really a worst upgrade for Office, I suggest all not to go for this. Since I upgraded the same, my both "Microsoft Office Document Imaging" and "Microsoft Office Document Scanning" stopped working. Tried contacting Microsoft several times but dint received any working solution so far.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    RE: Office SP3 removes TIF and TIFF registered file type extension

    Hope I can help you guys. I was facing the same problem on my Network using Office 2003 Pro SP3. Later I found that the registry key for HKCR\.TIF and .TIFF the (Default) value needs to say MSPaper.Document (which is the default on my MS Office 2007 machine as well - and is the default before SP3 was installed on my Office 2003 machines). After applying the same my problem disappeared.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Office SP3 removes TIF and TIFF registered file type extension

    Don’t worry guys, if there is a problem Microsoft will surely fix it. And it is here. You need to install patch 923810 which fixes the security threat of these 2 files. If this patch is installed, which came out in September, you can safely use the Kodak Imager to view the TIF and TIFF files.

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