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Thread: Screen flicker while working on Microsoft office 2007

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Screen flicker while working on Microsoft office 2007

    I cannot work on Microsoft Office 2007. I am using Windows Vista on my Dell Inspiron E1505 laptop. There some graphical issue. I am not able to figure out where the problem lies. Is it with the office application or with my monitor or video drive. It may not be a hardware fault but there some issue with the office suite. I am using Outlook 2007 and when I work on that I found that the screen flickers. While in Excel when I add some picture or shape it is completely black. I had contacted Dell Support and asked for help but they are not able to do anything in that. Any idea how can fix the same.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Try to turn off hardware acceleration and then check back. The problem may not be with the office application it can be with the video driver that is causing the failure. On Vista this kind of issue is common. You must try to update the drivers and then check. If still this is not resolved just run a repair setup of Microsoft Office and then check again. I am sure that will work well and there will be no issue related to the same.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I think your system performance is causing the issue. Try to run Task Manager and in that go in Performance tab. Can you see the cpu and ram utilization there. Is it high or medium. If the cpu usage is 100% then your system is extremely slow. The higher number of process running in the background the slower will be the system. So it is necessary to disable some startup stuff and check back.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Dell Inspiron screen flicker

    I am also having the same problems with the Inspiron I purchased last November. Have tried all the same fixes to no avail. Updated the video driver, and Dell finally agreed to have technician replace the LCD. The flicker persists. The tech also updated Java, increased virtual memory, ran full diagnostics. Flicker is very noticeable in all Office 2007 applications, but is present in every application to some extent.

    If anything fixes your problem, please let us know (and vice versa).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Screen flicker

    In my particular situation, the problem was ipoint.exe (Intellipoint software). It was part of the install of a new MS keyboard, and is the mouse driver. Uninstall it, and the screen flicker no longer exists.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    re: Screen flicker while working on Microsoft office 2007

    I had got the same problem a few months before, but I was able to fix the same. I had run a repair setup and things were fine there. The graphic driver was the one that was causing the issue. It is necessary that you must run a repair setup and then check again whether things are working fine or not.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I a having a Nvidia gpu on my system. It is a new dell laptop and the same thing appear. I updated the drivers but somehow it looks the screen flickers after a few minute of usage. Later on I contacted dell for the issue and they send me the replacement. It was fine now. The flickering that was constant on the laptop screen was not on the desktop. So the issue majorly lies with laptop lcd screen.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    re: Screen flicker while working on Microsoft office 2007

    I too have a flicker on Outlook 07. I have one of those Dell 1505 laptops. I recently reinstalled to the original condition when I bought the computer. (CTRL+F11 on start up in case you want to do that) I needed a clean install after all of the other OS issues, such as being slow on start up, Outlook locking up, black screen of death for no reason, etc. The flicker wasn't there before I did all of this.

    I'm still looking to resolve the flicker, however for those fuzzy, pixelated graphics, I installed a clear type power tool, IE 7.0, and made sure the ATI graphics software was up to date. I then played around with the display settings and a few other things with the graphics, it some how was fixed. It's one of those trial and error things. So far, IE 7 seems to be working fine and the laptop isn't slow anymore.

    I'm still thinking of getting an Apple for my next computer. I hear this crap doesn't happen with a Mac.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Just to confirm what one other person posted...

    I have a MS Mouse and had the flickering started after installing MS Intellipoint v 6.2

    Uninstalling and going to v 5.5 seems to have fixed it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by thespaugh View Post
    Just to confirm what one other person posted...

    I have a MS Mouse and had the flickering started after installing MS Intellipoint v 6.2

    Uninstalling and going to v 5.5 seems to have fixed it.
    Also confirming. I just uninstalled intellipoint completely and use a Logitech mouse now. No flicker anymore. Man that was annoying!

    Dell Inspiron 1505 - ATI Mobility Radeon X1400

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MarkP View Post
    I'm still looking to resolve the flicker, however for those fuzzy, pixelated graphics, I installed a clear type power tool, IE 7.0, and made sure the ATI graphics software was up to date. I then played around with the display settings and a few other things with the graphics, it some how was fixed. It's one of those trial and error things. So far, IE 7 seems to be working fine and the laptop isn't slow anymore.
    If you ever remember what you did, let me know. I've tried everything. The graphics in IE 7 are distorted, like scaled bigger, and just plain awful. Also, when I insert an image, or even just paste one into any office 2007 product, it's enlarged (badly), fuzzy, not like the original at all.
    To fix the IE 7 problem, I just don't use it, and use FireFox instead.

    Dell Inspiron 1505 - ATI Mobility Radeon X1400

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