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Thread: Opening Word 2007 docx files in Word 2003

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Opening Word 2007 docx files in Word 2003

    I got some files. Those are word files. First when I tried to open them on Word it gave me error saying not a valid file. I found that the file is saved in Word 2007. The extension is docx. I am trying to find out some possible ways by which I can open them on Office 2003. I tried to locate a set of tools that allows me to view the file but I cannot modify it. I am sure Microsoft might be having some kind of update pack that can allow me to edit and save Office 2007 files in Office 2003.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    There are convertors but they do not work. Next time when your friends send you file them them to save them in Word 97-2003 file compatibility format. That will be a .doc file. There is no way that you can open a docx file on Office 2003. You must either upgrade or simply ask the sender to save the files in old format. I had wasted a long amount of time behind finding that solution and found nothing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Hey Neither of you need any converter, just get your mate to re-save the document using save as. In the save as dialog box click on the document type drop down tab and scroll down to save as word 97-2003 document and you wont have any problems. Or you could try re-naming the document with .doc at the end. I have to agree. With a simple converter you will avoid any future issues. There are a lot of styles, fonts,and various apps included in word 07 that need the converter to be edited. Microsoft have released their own addin for this isseu so id recommend checking for any updates. Although this is an old post, and many issues have already been addressed by microsoft

    I had the same problem. This solution worked for me:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I am also quiet tired in wasting time of looking some help in using Office 2007 files on Microsoft Office 2003. I had added all the patches and compatibility updates require. But none of them really worked. I found that if you add compatibility patch in Microsoft the issue will be resolved. But somehow it did not worked well. I tried number of times to open new files in Office 2003 but that did not worked really well. Hope there must be some option available in future.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Only due to that reason I had upgraded to Office 2007. I had tried to find out number of tools that guarantee to convert Office 2007 files but there was number of problems. First the graphics which was inside the file was not visible. And also it spoils the formatting. So better get the new version. You can keep it with Office 2003. There is no need to remove it. In this way you can work on two different edition of Microsoft Office.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Opening Word 2007 docx files in Word 2003

    I run win2000 and when I look for. Open an elevated command prompt. To do this, click Start , click All Programs , click Accessories , right-click Command Prompt , and then click Run as administrator . If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Allow .I simply find I can not right-click command-prompt and choose run as admin: I have all the normal possibilities, copy, paste, open, scan etc etc etc... suggestions?

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