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Thread: Looking for Excel formula which can calculate Lease and Balloon Payments

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Looking for Excel formula which can calculate Lease and Balloon Payments

    I am seeking an excel formula that will calculate plant and equipment lease installment, then separate the installments into the interest, and GST components. Then calculate the balloon payment due at the end of the leasing period.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Looking for Excel formula which can calculate Lease and Balloon Payments

    Here is a Balloon loan payment calculator which you can use for your purpose. This is a ready to use template. You just need to download and add this in your system. Then you can use it and modify the same as per your need.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Looking for Excel formula which can calculate Lease and Balloon Payments

    Here is a basic method to create your own Balloon Payments calculator in Microsoft Excel. You just need to first find proper labels that you want to add in your sheet. Like Interest Rate, Principal, Amortization period, payment time, etc. Once you are done then just define the mortgage cell. After that you can use PMT function to find out the monthly payment for the process. Other than FV is another function which you can choose for calculation balloon payment.

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