I am looking for vba syntax for Font & Interior ColorIndex. There are various refrences on web but I am not able to properly figure from where should I start. I had tried some sample code and faced many errors.
I am looking for vba syntax for Font & Interior ColorIndex. There are various refrences on web but I am not able to properly figure from where should I start. I had tried some sample code and faced many errors.
The specific object of this sheet is to identify and explain the basic syntax of VBA. What is already interesting to note is that the VBA (Visual Basic for Application) is a language 'Basic', so simple! The number of basic syntax of the language is limited and their knowledge will likely save you a lot of trouble due to syntax errors.
Try the following code
Code:Option Explicit Sub With Cells.Font .Name = "Arial Black" .Size = 26 .Strikethrough = False .Superscript = False .Subscript = False .OutlineFont = False .Shadow = False .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic .Bold = True End With End Sub