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Thread: Import mail messages from Windows Mail into Outlook 2003?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Import mail messages from Windows Mail into Outlook 2003?

    I have upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 but was told that Windows 7 doesnt include Windows Mail. I was planning to install office 2003 anyway and migrate email from Windows Mail to Outlook 2003. But if I am going to export mail messages from Windows Mail, then am only given 2 format choices - Windows Mail and Exchange. Both of these doesnt seem to be a good choice to me, so I want to know whether the email messags in Windows Mail could be migrated to Outlook 2003 or not? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Import mail messages from Windows Mail into Outlook 2003?

    I think that exchange option will export messages to outlook, if you have it installed in your system.

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