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Thread: Core i3 pc rebooting on MSI board

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Core i3 pc rebooting on MSI board

    It looks there is some kind of problem with my system. And I am not able to figure out why. The pc just keeps on rebooting when I am working. And it is not getting fixed on its own. I had tried a lot to make it work but it just reboots and in this way I loss many of my works. I thought this was first issue with the power connection. But the scene is different here. Power is fine. I had checked all the cables a number of time but it is not working. So simply this is a problem with motherboard. It is a new board bought some 2 months before. How can I confirm this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Core i3 pc rebooting on MSI board

    Check the power connector on the motherboard and test back. You have to remove that and place it back tightly. Also check the cpu power connector. And then turn on the system. If this reboots on its own then I am quiet sure that the issue is with the psu. You have to re-verify the same again and again. If you can manage try getting a secondary psu and test your system with that. I hope that it will start working well. Avoid using your system with the current hardware. It can cause problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Core i3 pc rebooting on MSI board

    As said above start with replacing the power cable. Just remove and add it back and I am quiet sure that it will start working properly. Sometime loose connection can cause the issue. Also do not forget to check the power cable that is connected on the backside of your system. If it is loose then also the pc reboots. You have to change the cable to re-verify and I am quiet sure that it might start working well. I do not really think this is a motherboard fault. There can be lot more hardware in your system which can be the cause of problem.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Core i3 pc rebooting on MSI board

    Reboot your pc and go in the bios section. There go in the main menu and wait back. Just check if your pc is working well here or not. If the pc still reboots then it means there is a psu fault in the system. You have to anyhow replace the same. I am quiet sure that the psu is having fault. But if the pc is working well in bios then it means the issue is not with the psu but with the operating system. There are some testing software. Like RAM tester. The most popular tool is memtest. Just run the same and try out the same. It will give you detailed report whether your ram is proper or not.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Core i3 pc rebooting on MSI board

    If you are going in bios just go in the pc health section and once there verify the health status. I am quiet sure that will also help you in fixing the issue. Just go in that and there you will find the temperature of your processor. If that is above 70degree and rising then that is the reason your pc is restarting or turning off. It is a common feature of a cpu. When it goes too much hot it will shutdown so that it cannot get any kind of permanent damage. And that you have to check on your own self. Or else it is not going to work well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Core i3 pc rebooting on MSI board

    Mostly issue can be fixed if you replace the cable. Loose cable are the most common problem. But that is not helping you much then you have to retry checking your psu. It would be hard to arrange a new psu and then fixing your pc on that and then testing it out. But this will be good I think. Buy a reliable psu from the market and attach that. This will be testing things and will fix the problem you are facing. A good psu is also needed for long run. Because due to that your hardware life gets extended.

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