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Thread: Asus M4A88TD-V Evo/USB3 Problem with no monitor signal, keyboard and mouse doesnt work either

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Asus M4A88TD-V Evo/USB3 Problem with no monitor signal, keyboard and mouse doesnt work either

    Good Morning everyone, I'm have a big problem, need urgent help, Yesterday I bought the Asus V-M4A88TD Evo/USB3, I connected with the rest of the PC's when I was turning on the PC, the monitor did not have signal, the keyboard does not work, and it did not work the mouse, plus all the fans of the PC work, all internal work. Oh then I went to look at the card and saw that the light of DRAM was a solid red then I went looking for what he had to do, I put the memory in the first slot (blue), NOT WORKED,..... Press the MemOK button and red light was flashing and stayed that way all night, I woke up today and the light was still flashing, I've looked at all the topics and no help, already did have a jumper, does not work, I'll write my specs :

    Asus V-M4A88TD Evo/USB3
    Kingston KVR1333D3N9/4G
    AMD X4 Black Edition II Phanon
    Font: Extream 450w real

    I hope someone help me I'm desperate !!!!!!

    Sorry for de Bad English

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Asus M4A88TD-V Evo/USB3 Problem with no monitor signal, keyboard and mouse doesnt work either

    Well, have you installed any other video card on the motherboard, can you try to take it out and then from the onbaord video start the pc and check if the monitor gives the same issues or not. It might be also possible that you have hooked up the monitor to some other port, try to hook the monitor to the onboard port and see if that works.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Asus M4A88TD-V Evo/USB3 Problem with no monitor signal, keyboard and mouse doesnt work either

    In some cases, there is possibility that the connectivity problem arrives on your system. yes, it could be possible that the kinds of monitor or the something else cable has been broken at the time of connection and hence this kind of problem arrives on your motherboard. in that case, check the connection and if something problem onto that then reconnect this particular device. i hope this simple solution help to you for solve such problem.

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