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Thread: MSI X340: The fan is always on a high level of noise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    MSI X340: The fan is always on a high level of noise

    Hello friend, I have a trouble with my MSI X340pro notebook. This MSI, model comes in two colors white and black. I am having black one. It is very slim notebook. Include Intel low voltage SU3500 processor. It has vista operating, 2GB Ram, 320GB HDD and Intel X4500M graphic card. I am fully satisfied by this notebook. Problem is , Its fan is very noisy. It makes greater noise since the time of start. My friend have same model but in white color. It is not the case. Fan does not make more noise than my notebook. Is it problem with my notebook or black one come with this pros. I want suggestion from this forum. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: MSI X340: The fan is always on a high level of noise

    Hello friend, I would also like to know about this, I have recently bought a MSI x340 notebook from the showroom. It was working without any noise compare to previous. I have reset the EC controller. I have changed it to passive mode from active from power plan in the bios. From then I am getting noise in idle mode also. Even I do not run any program there is noise of the fan. This noise can be heard by all in the room. It comes constantly. Does it bios problem or what if you have solution please post on this forum. Thanks in advance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: MSI X340: The fan is always on a high level of noise

    Hello friend I have not had my MSI machine for long time but I have also experienced these problems of fan noise constantly. In most situations, the fan makes more noise. It is no problem if noise is tolerable. It makes more noise that can be heard by entire class. if I hold my notebook vertically the fan make a grind noise, and when I keep it down on my table it makes this loud riving noise. But notebook does not get to hot. I am agree that it has given me great experience the problem was with the fan only.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: MSI X340: The fan is always on a high level of noise

    Hello friend, I have never come across this laptop but I can say that fan noise only if you are using any heavy program or loading any program like when you are playing game fan noise more. If you notebook is making noise it particular position then there is problem with hardware you should get repaired it. Else it ok there is no issue. Or MSI provide this notebook in this type only. Mostly fan noise at booting time or you can at time of starting the window. If you getting better performance and no hot then don’t go for repair. Notebook come like this only.

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