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Thread: How to solve the issue logical disk manager service when it is unable to connect.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    How to solve the issue logical disk manager service when it is unable to connect.

    I m finding a bit problem with my logical disk manger service. Whenever I tried to connect with that it fails to connect. It shows me the message that the current service of the logical disk manger is unable to connect so cannot perform further action. After that I always need to restart my pc manually because my system hangs-up for about 10 mins and I don’t need this to happen? So is there any solution for this post then please reply in this thread.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: How to solve the issue logical disk manager service when it is unable to connect.

    Yeah I also faced this same problem I was able to find the cause of this error. The file clusapi.dll was someway removed from the C:\windows\system32 library folder.
    I establish copies in numerous locations in my various subfolders
    in my Windows directory. I just copy the file from C:\Windows\ServicePackFiles\i586 and paste into the C:\Windows\System32
    directory. And my difficulty is solved so try out this one if you are missing some dll file then just replace it back.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: How to solve the issue logical disk manager service when it is unable to connect.

    But I cannot able out which files are missing from the library. I don’t think so that my files are missing because when I installed my windows first my logical disk manager was performing well. So is there any other alternative how I can able to get rid from this problem. If so then please reply me to my post as soon as possible help will thankful.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to solve the issue logical disk manager service when it is unable to connect.

    Yeah there is another way how to overcome with this issue. Go to start menu and then go to run text box then inside type in (msconfig) and be certain that Logical Disk Manager Administrative service box is (checked on) because of these reason there is you cannot able to go for the lagical disk manager. if not then confirm it that you need to check mark on it (maker is Microsoft corporation ,veritas software) that should also fasten it for a moment people turn it off when they alter boot things to create computer boot up sooner.

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