From a long I am a great fan of the apple products and now I want to buy another imac for mu younger brother but I am little bit confused so provide some suggestion. The present iMac that I plan on receiving comes with an Intel Core 2 duo 3.06GHz which is available in the market nearby me. I was wondering what other chips are comparable to it similar to on the PC?? According to Tom’s pecking order diagram the Duo 2's are in the 3rd group downward from the top. I immediately didn't know if this also counted for an Apple version?. I am attractive sure its multi thread reason most Intel chips are, but, what I actually desire to know, is it any good?. Reason if not I was allowing for coming up for the after that iMacs to come out. With any luck with Quad-Cores or at slightest an i3 or i5 from the apple developer. So, please provide some help on the topic any advice will help to resolve the problem.