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Thread: Serious And Unique Problem With My Pc

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Serious And Unique Problem With My Pc

    Hi guys,
    i've witnessed a serious and unique problem with ma p.c. from couple of months
    whenever i turn on my P.c. exactly after 2 minutes my system gets hanged....
    even though thereafter i restart my comp.... ma comp gets switched on but no display in my monitor......followed by just a constant blink in the monitor power light.Then i bang my cpu hardly five or six times the system gets switched on..and works for half an hour more followed by same problem again....
    I thought there is problem in the ram and exchanged the ram.. but even though the problem persists......
    i could also see some blue screen errors initially and have tried registry cleaners which was able to control only blue screen errors but not the main problem.... me out by suggesting me wat exactly should i do.....
    waiting for your replies.....

  2. #2
    paare Guest

    Re: Serious And Unique Problem With My Pc

    please give details of u r system(model no,etc)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Serious And Unique Problem With My Pc

    There are few steps that u can do to check ur system:
    as u have mentioned that u have tried changing the RAM.

    Step 1 : change the smps (because some times if the motherboard doesn't get the sufficient power it will hang)

    Step 2 : check if the Capacitors on motherboard are swollen

    Step 3 : check if the cpu fan is working fine
    try to apply some cooling paste on the cpu

    Step 4 : get ur MB, CPU & RAM to a technician. and ask him to check them.

    there is nothing could be judged faults in computers until u check each n every part.

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